You Should Try in 2018: 4 Best Workout & Diet Programs


Now that the weather outside is finally warm and pleasant, it’s time to show a little more skin. However, many of us have nurtured quite a few extra pounds after a long and hard winter. Thus, if we want to be able to wear the season’s hottest trends and be comfortable, it’s time to lose some weight. And what better way to do that, than by following a tailored plan?

Getting Fit in 2018

Getting in shape has become a popular activity among both men and women of all ages. Modern media culture is all about defined abs and the hourglass figure. If you want one for yourself, you need to choose the most suitable plan for you and your needs. Here are the best four workout and diet programs to try this year.

1.      Old School New Body

According to a list put together by, the Old School New Body Workout and Diet Plan is the top recommendation for 2018. It is suitable for men and women of all ages, and it consists of just three 30-minute workout sessions per week. Of course, this is all accompanied by a specifically tailored diet that will speed up the process.

The most common exercises in the three routines making up the Old School New Body Workout are incline presses, upright rows, bent over rows, and squats. Nevertheless, you will also need to perform some dumbbell rows, bench presses, and lunges, as well as a variety of already familiar movements that lie at the core of any training plan.

2.      The 3 Week Diet Plan

Summer of 2018 has arrived, and with it the onset of swimsuit season. If your beach body isn’t quite where you’d like it to be just yet, a fast and efficient fat burning plan might be in order. One that has received a lot of media attention due to its amazing claims is the 3 Week Diet Plan created by sports nutritionist and health coach Brian Flatt.

This program relies on the wondrous effects of a restrictive diet, coupled with an exercise routine and weight loss supplements. Because of its higher degree of difficulty, it is also one that not everyone can take up. Nevertheless, if you feel like you’re up for the challenge and want to shape your figure effectively, it might just be the one for you.

3.      The Fat Diminisher

Wes Virgin’s Fat Diminisher Diet Program is another relatively new name on the scene that promises incredible results in just 28 days. The author based his eBook on principles that he learned during his stint in the army. Therefore, no additional pills, herbs, surgeries, exhausting exercise plans, or restrictive eating habits are involved.

Instead, the Fat Diminisher Diet Program aims to help you drop 10, 20 or however many pounds you need to by teaching you how to feed your body in the right way. It is more so designed for people in their 30s, 40s, or 50s, which means that if you are younger, you might be better off sticking to another regimen.

4.      The Venus Factor

The aforementioned diet and workout plans were comprised in such a way so that both men and women can benefit from their effects on the body. However, if you are a woman and are looking for a program that is specifically tailored to suit the needs of the female form, then the Venus Factor Workout Plan might just be what you were looking for all along.

Even though it was created by a man, it provides all ladies with excellent advice on how to change their lifestyle and become more active. Focusing on the figure’s so-called ‘problem areas’, the routine promises to deliver a stronger body in just 12 weeks. What is more, John Baraban, the fitness pro behind the Venus Factor, shares his wisdom on more than exercise.

The program is also centered around leptin control. This is the hormone that regulates our metabolism and appetite, and most of the extra pounds you gain are due to the fact that it sometimes sends mixed signals to the brain. Because women’s bodies are a lot more responsive to it, the Venus Factor can teach you what to it so that you reset its production.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking to drop those pesky extra pounds fast in time for your seaside holiday, you need to be willing to put in a lot of effort. The four programs presented above aren’t easy to follow, but they deliver visible results in as little as a month if you are ambitious enough to stick to them. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to start building the body of your dreams.

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