What are the Real Health Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet?


You’ve probably heard of the ketogenic, or keto, diet. This low-carb, high-fat way of eating has taken the internet by storm, with millions of people worldwide finding their lives changed by it.

Mostly, the keto diet has been associated pretty strictly with weight loss. This is because of the diet’s fat-burning qualities as you replace carbohydrates for fat as your body’s natural energy source. The fewer carbohydrates you consume, the more easily you will shed unwanted weight.

But did you know that weight loss isn’t the only health benefit of dietary ketosis? Sure, weight loss is a pretty big benefit as it reduces the risks associated with obesity. This study lists the weight-loss related advantages of a 24-week ketogenic diet as:

  • Lower body weight and BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Decreased triglyceride levels
  • Decreased LDL cholesterol levels
  • Decreased blood glucose
  • Improved HDL cholesterol levels

It’s Not Only About Weight Loss

Getting into ketosis for fat loss serves the purpose of helping the body become healthier to alleviate symptoms associated with various ailments, including:

  • Type 1 and 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Migraines
  • Chronic Inflammation

Many who suffer from these conditions or are at a heightened risk for them opt for a ketogenic diet as a means of prevention or management for these health concerns.

Even if you are not at risk of experiencing any of the ailments above, you can still stand to benefit from the overall wellness benefits of a ketogenic diet. Keto does good for most bodies by boosting energy, improving the function of the brain and decreasing inflammation.

Acne is another condition that is positively affected by the ketogenic diet. Refined carbohydrates like those banned in the keto diet can contribute to acne flare-ups or make existing acne worse. Without the blood sugar fluctuations caused by these carbohydrates, the skin experiences and maintains improved health and appearance.

Why Shouldn’t You Use the Keto Diet in the Long-Term

Keto is great for boosting your overall health and helping you to lose weight quickly. But long-term use of this ultimate low-carb diet can actually cause the body harm. The study cited above shows that the patients put on a ketogenic diet were on said diet for 24 weeks.

As is true with any diet, it is often easy to go overboard, thinking that doing things for longer or more intensely somehow will drive up your results in a positive way. But with the keto diet, long-term use can increase a person’s risk of:

  • Kidney stones
  • High acid levels in the blood
  • Severe weight loss and/or muscular degeneration
  • Constipation
  • Sluggishness
  • Low blood sugar

If you experience even the most mild versions of any of these side effects, you should confer with your physician about the safety of going forward with the keto diet.

Overall, the benefits of the ketogenic diet outweigh the potential risks for most people who plan to use it on a short-term basis for weight loss or wellness improvement.

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