There are many things you can do to reduce the risk of getting heart disease. First, you should concentrate on your lifestyle habits such as dieting, exercising, drinking, smoking and take into consideration other factors like stress, family history, diabetes and much more. Here are the top 10 tips to improve the health of your heart.
- Quit Smoking – If you want to live longer, you need to quit smoking. A smoker has double the risk of getting a heart attack than one who doesn’t smoke. If you quit smoking, you can reduce the risk of getting heart disease considerably. With the recently introduced public smoking bans, it’s the best time to quit the bad habit. You could try these smok tfv8 coils to help you quit.
- Reduce Your Salt Intake – Taking too much salt will increase your blood pressure thus increasing the risk of getting coronary heart defects. Stay away from salted nuts, crisps, packed soups, canned foods, baked beans, sauces, pork pies, canned vegetables, ready to eat meals and pizza. Keep in mind that some healthy breads and breakfast cereals also have a lot of salt, despite them being passed as healthy. So you need to check what you’re eating.
- Proper Dieting – If you’re dieting properly, you can reduce your risk of getting a heart disease and boost your recovery process after getting a heart attack. Always have a balanced diet with fresh fruit, vegetables, starchy foods, oily fish, wholegrain bread, rice and pasta. Stay away from snacks such as pastries, cakes, biscuits and dairy products with a lot of sugar and saturated fats.
- Check Your Alcohol Intake – Taking a lot of alcohol will damage the muscles in your heart, increase your blood pressure and increase your pounds. If you’re constantly binge drinking, you’re increasing your risk of getting a heart attack. Reduce your alcohol intake to about 2 units every day.
- Become Active – Your heart, just like any other muscle in the body needs a lot of exercise to remain fit, allowing it to pump blood efficiently in the body. Every day take about 30 minutes to exercise but start slowly and build up with time. Keeping fit will improve your physical health, your mental health and overall physical well-being.
- Check Your Weight – There are too many people who are overweight and obese. Too much weight affects your healthy by increasing the risk of life-threatening ailments such as diabetes and coronary heart disease. If you’re obese or overweight, you should start making changes to your diet and exercise regularly for the best results.
- Check Your Blood Pressure And Cholesterol Levels – With high blood pressure, your life expectancy will be considerably shorter. You have a high risk of suffering from heart attack or a stroke. High cholesterol levels in the blood, especially produced by the liver because of too much intake of saturated fats, will increase your risk of getting heart diseases such as stroke that will affect blood circulation. You should reduce your cholesterol levels by exercising frequently and taking foods rich in fiber such as lentils, nuts, pulses, beans, fruits, porridge and vegetables.
- Genetic Predisposition – You need to know your genetic predisposition, if you want to keep check on your heart health. Do you have any close relatives who have suffered from heart related issues in the past? Whether it’s high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes or obesity, you’re also at risk of suffering from the same issues. Therefore, check with your family history to know what you’re already exposed to and take the necessary steps to reduce the risks.
- Reduce Stress – Do you feel stressed at home or at work? You need to learn how to manage your stress levels accordingly. If you’re not checking on your anxiety and stress levels, you might fail to eat properly and indulge in smoking and drinking which is bad for your heart. So start by reducing your stress to improve the health of your heart.
- Know The Signs Of Coronary Heart Disease – Are you experiencing any tightness in your chest, arm, neck or discomfort? Well, these are the signs that you’re about to suffer from a coronary episode. If left untreated, they are bound to cause more harm than good.
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