Sports and physical fitness go hand-in-hand! It gives an extra layer of protection by strengthening the heart, improving lungs, and making arteries lither.
But sometimes, something goes wrong, and athlete loses his life! The reason perhaps would be an underlying ailment or heart disease, or any severe disease that the player is unaware of.
So, how to curb this? How to pre-detect the ailment?
Perhaps from regular monthly checkups, but who has time for that! A pre-medical screening test!
A pre-medical screening test will help players to gauge the underlying ailments that they were unaware of. They can cure them or treat them to have healthy gameplay. Although for the people who regularly exercise and are physically fit may take pre-medical screening an unnecessary exercise, it is essential to figure any underlying health-issue prior.
Furthermore, many sports events these days need competitor’s medical or pre-screening certificate as a proof that they are medically fit.
Here are some of the most common tests that will reveal the health condition of your body:
Liver Function Test
The Liver Function Test (LFT) is a group of a blood test that aims to measures proteins, enzymes, and substances that are secreted or produced by the liver. This pathology test for athletes helps doctors to gauge the health of player’s liver to diagnosing the problem.
Liver infections can give rise to many diseases, infections and can hamper the health of the liver. However, pre-diagnosis and effective treatment can help. If there’s any problem in the liver, the test will detect the amount of substance in the blood samples helping you to treat the problem with ease.
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Quantification
It’s a Thyroid Function Test which is used to screen, diagnose and monitor treatment for thyroid problems like hypothyroidism. Disorders like these can occur anytime or may be at the time of pregnancy, infections, or perhaps tumors.
The test aims to measure the amount of TSH in your blood. THS is produced by the pituitary gland which helps in the formation of new hormones.
This test is performed by just gauging the sample of urine to identify the metabolic disorders like diabetes and other kidney disorders. The common urine tests include testing of red cells, urine protein, kidney diseases and other urinary tracts.
Iron Test
This pathology test is required to detect the deficiency or abundance of iron level in the body. The low iron level in an athlete can lead to anemia, where the player would feel low energy and fatigue. Iron deficiencies are also due to inadequate dietary intake, excessive loss of iron, poor absorption and much more.
Also, high quantity of iron in the body, called as hemochromatosis can give rise to severe health conditions some of them include liver diseases, heart failure, diabetes and heart failure.
International Normalized Ratio (INR)
This pathology test aims to measure the irregular heartbeat or heart valve to prevent heart-strokes. Also, the doctor uses this to check if the clot-prevention medicine called warfarin is working or not.
Now, you know the most common pathology tests that’ll help in pre-determining the medical condition of the athlete.
Have a look at some of the benefits the pre-medical screening offer:
Assisting the Players in Identifying any Hidden Disease
The most important factor that the pre-medical checking involves is identifying the underlying ailment. If undetected, the illness can give rise to severe problems in the athlete.
Aids in Treating Underlying Problem
For the patients who are suffering from any hidden disease, it becomes difficult to find the right treatment and exercise. However, the pre-medical screening helps in understanding the state of health to tailor the treatment and exercise as per the ailment.
Helps in Improving Performance
Another important benefit of pre-identification of ailment is that it helps in improving performance thereby reducing the risk of injury. Using the results of the test, one can keep an eye on diet supplements, training load, and mental fitness.
Establishing the Firm Ground to Mitigate Injuries
Pre-medical checking offers a complete assessment of the athlete’s body to minimize the injuries and illness.
It’s always tempting to get the certification that you are medically fit and to know that you can easily partake in any sports event.
While there are myriad of reasons that cohere a player to take a pre-medical screening test, most importantly, it ensures that an athlete would have healthy gameplay.
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