VigFX Review: Improve Your Sexual Virility in No Time


Vigfx is a libido enhancement supplement for men. It promises to deliver several benefits, including bigger erections, a hyper-charged sex drive, and faster recovery time in between sex sessions. They claim they’re different from other sex supplements because the pills contain a substance that prevents the pills from being absorbed in the stomach, so that they can be absorbed in the small intestine instead.

This product comes at you fast with big colorful images and bold claims, but do they stand up to scrutiny? The answer is simple: no.

How to Use VigFX Male Enhancement Pills

The manufacturers of this sexual supplement recommend that you take it twice before intercourse, especially for men with erectile dysfunction.
In order to experience the best benefits of this sexual performance booster without any side effects on the body, make sure that you take this natural supplement two times before you have sex. You can still use one sex pill if you want to be curious about the effects, but two sex pills will always provide the best results especially to those men with erectile dysfunction.
It is known that when you take a sex enhancing supplement, it will guarantee you the effects after a few minutes.

Does VigFX Work?

There are a number of things to watch out for when it comes to avoiding bad men’s performance supplements, and unfortunately, Vigfx checks them all off. They’re sold by a company that has several customer complaints about the shady ways they try and get money out of people, and a warning from the Better Business Bureau to make sure you don’t get suckered in by signing up for something without reading the fine print. This shows a lack of care for the customer, and they would do well to shed those policies that’ve gotten them into trouble. It also doesn’t help that this is an identical product to another one the company sells, Vigrx Plus, which makes it seem like something weird and underhanded is going on.

Secondly, the formula contains ingredients that either are not helpful when it comes to sexual enhancement (such as saw palmetto and hawthorn), but can cause side effects that definitely work at cross-purposes with sex – such as the laxative effects of curcuta.

Last (and worst) is the lack of customer reviews, and the fact that the one they have that we could find only gave it 1 star out of 5. This definitely makes it seem like the product doesn’t work, and is possibly the worst thing that harms their image.

Overall, we don’t see a single reason why you should trust this company with your money. Keep on searching and make sure that when you’re considering a product, you make sure that not only are the ingredients legit, but that the company has a good reputation and that customers actually like it. That’s the way to keep from getting scammed.


 What is VigFX? 

This supplement makes a lot of very grand statements, accompanied by vulgar, garish language: “Warning: Wild Sex Ahead,” you’ll be a “beast” and you’ve “been warned” that you’ll get a “primitive desire – and ability – to fulfill your natural right to procreate” – yeesh. These guys are really laying it on strong here. But that’s not all, they claim: they also have science to back up their promises. What science? Why, a scientific study that was performed by Vedic Lifesciences, a company in India that apparently performs clinical trials.

What did that trial find, though? Well first of all, the document they link you to says that the test was for Vigrx Plus – wait, a different product altogether? No, turns out the products contain the same ingredients, and in the same doses. That’s why they linked to the “wrong” study: they’re just giving you Vigrx Plus under a different name. But why? If the other one was any good, wouldn’t they continue to sell it under its original name? Or maybe the opposite is the case: the supplement was so unsuccessful they thought they’d try a new marketing approach under a different name with a different website.


VigFX Ingredients

Here is a closer look at Total VigFX ingredients:

Red Ginseng is also called Panax ginseng, a fairly common ingredient in sex drive supplements. It’s supposed to help the body adapt to stress more easily, making the body deal with fatigue better.

Saw palmetto is another common ingredient we’ve found in many sex drive supplements, because it’s supposed to have an effect on testosterone – the hormone associated with a higher sex drive. Unfortunately the evidence for its effect on the sex drive is out. We’ll discuss that more in the next section.

Hawthorne berry is supposed to promote better circulation and treat high blood pressure, but is there proof that it works? Not exactly.

Epimediumtribulusdamiana, and catuaba are common aphrodisiacs that come from all over the world, including Southeast Asia, Central America, and the Mediterranean. They’re supposed to either contain chemicals that stimulate the brain into desiring sex, or promote the flow of blood to the genitalia.

Cuscuta or “dodder” is a plant used in Chinese medicine, but as a way to treat UTIs. Not sure why it was included here, and it also doesn’t have any science behind it.

Total VigFX Side Effects

Not all of the ingredients in this product have a lot of proof that they work, and that’s a problem. In order for a product to be effective, all of its ingredients have to have some effect, otherwise the formula is just weighed down with filler, and could be less effective. Sadly, that’s the truth with some of the ingredients in Vigfx.

Where to Buy VigFX Male Libido Booster

You can buy these sex pills directly from the manufacturer’s official website. All you have to do is open the website to make an order.
The manufacturer offers a variety of package deals. The smallest package available is two bottles, each containing 30 capsules for $76.99. 

Total VigFX: Summary

Despite of the lack of information about this product, there are still proofs that show that this product is approved by experts to be used as a powerful male enhancement supplement. This is a great testosterone booster and a natural Viagra to be considered. Rest assured that your woman will love you even more as you use this wonderful supplement.
This is sold in the official site with free shipment, and it also has free trial included for newbies as well! Still it is good to take this product with care as it may cause some side effects.

To learn more about price and other info, visit the VigFX Website.

*Also read the full review of VigRX Oil penis enlargement lubricant.

*Please note: While results may be experienced in the short term, the formulations were created for long-term use, and it is strongly recommended that the best male sexual enhancers, sex pills and libido boosters for men be taken for at least 2-3 months for real, long-lasting benefits, however taking it for only a month or so will definitely produce some benefits in the short term.

Have you tried using VigFX male enhancement pills? We’d love to hear about your own personal experiences. Feel free to or leave a review or a comment below.

VigFX Male Sex Pills Overall Rating













  • No more erectile dysfunctions
  • Helps to increase sex drive and libido, improves stamina and vigor
  • Produces bigger and harder erections, provides intense orgasms
  • Better sex performance, better mood in having sex
  • Effectively controls premature ejaculations


  • Only available online