Surprising Facts About Cigarette Addiction


Everyone who is addicted to cigarettes and has at any point tried to stop this addiction knows how difficult it is to break the habit. Quitting smoking cigarettes is actually so difficult that most people just give in to their addiction and resign to a lifetime of smoking. They do this fully understanding the risks involved and comprehend that not only is it an unhealthy addiction but an expensive one as well. The need to smoke cigarettes on a daily basis is so compelling that it outweighs all the downsides and makes them continue.

More than 67% of all smokers die from illnesses related to smoking. In fact, doctors say that smoking tobacco increases one’s chances of contracting at least thirteen types of cancer. Yet people continue to smoke cigarettes. In the past, people who suffered from substance abuse and other related issues have boldly claimed that it was more difficult to quit smoking cigarettes than it was quitting other highly addictive substances such as heroin.

Though this may seem a little exaggerated, it does make logical sense. A daily smoker tends to smoke between one and two packs of cigarettes every day, a total of between 20 to 40 cigarettes. While nicotine addiction is well documented, doing something more than twenty times a day makes it a habit that becomes ingrained not only in what you do every day but in who you are as a person. This makes it more difficult to stop than substance abuse for example which one may indulge in only a few times a daily.

According to a study conducted at the Queen Mary University of London, three out of every five people that try smoking end up becoming daily smokers. This means that more than sixty percent of people who try smoking at any point in their lives end up as habitual smokers. This is a very high percentage and an astonishing revelation.

The researchers responsible at the University carried out the study on 215,000 subjects who confirmed that they were daily smokers leading to the discovery of this frightening information. Professor Peter Hajek, the lead researcher indicated that it was the first time the hold that cigarettes can establish on first time users was documented. He also stated that the reason for carrying out this particular study was because the move from experimenting with cigarettes to daily use is an important milestone since it shows that a recreational practice is becoming a compulsive need.

Yet despite these shocking revelations, this may not result in a reduction of smokers in the UK or the rest of the world. However, it is of note that smoking prevalence has been declining steadily over the last two decades and it is estimated that only about nineteen percent of children between the ages of 11 and 15 in the UK have tried smoking while in the US only 2.2% of students indicated having smoked a cigarette within the last month. This shows a sharp decline in adolescent smoking between 2011 and 2016.

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These findings may not affect individuals’ smoking habits because we have been well aware of the dangers of smoking for more than fifty years. People who know and understand these risks and do not display addictive tendencies may not be dissuaded from smoking as a result of new findings. Similarly, those who knowingly expose themselves to the risk of addiction are not likely to not experiment because they could easily face addiction to cigarettes.

It has long been established that telling people that their choices could expose them to potentially life-threatening conditions or death therapy as it is often referred to does not work. Addicts are almost never deterred by this knowledge.

As the world continues to slowly fall-out of love with tobacco and related products, it is anyone’s guess what could happen in the future especially with the emergence of e-cigarettes and how popular they have become in recent years.

Although their effects haven’t yet been established, studies show that they can be just as addictive as traditional tobacco products. People will probably continue smoking for as long as they feel the need to. With the world as we know it, humanity’s love affair with vices will not end soon. More information can be found here: 

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