Can’t sleep. Sucks doesn’t it? Well, before you reach for a handful of sleeping pills why not try rolling over and reaching for your a handful of your partner instead.
I’m here to tell you your number one way to improve your sleep is too improve your sex life. Sex before bed can help you fall asleep and stay asleep. Sleep, in turn, can make you happier, healthier, sexier and hornier, creating a glorious cycle.
Don’t believe me, well read on below and I will lay a little bit of science upon you. Now just to warn you I’m going to get a little hormonal below but please bear with me, it’s going to get good…
Introducing the ‘love hormone’
When we get it on our bodies release a very special hormone known as oxytocin. For a very good reason oxytocin is also known as ‘the love hormone’. This powerful neurotransmitter regulates social interactions and creates incredibly strong bonds between individuals.
It’s not surprising that in addition to being released during sex it’s also released by mothers during childbirth and breastfeeding.
Oxytocin in the blood makes us feel safe, secure and comfortable. Think of it like a massive cup of hot chocolate full of marshmallows for your entire body.
It’s also a powerful antidote for stress, anxiety and depressive feelings – you know those things that might keep you awake late into the night.
Hormones galore!
The good news doesn’t stop with oxytocin when it comes to hormones. While sex increases the oxytocin in our system it actively reduces the levels of another hormone known as cortisol, which is related to feelings of stress and anxiety.
You know that sick-like sensation you get when you realize you’ve missed a deadline at work? Well, that’s the sensation created by your body being flooded with cortisol.
While cortisol plays an important role in our survival mechanisms we definitely don’t need an abundance of it in our system at night. It will just amplify any negative feelings we have and fill our minds with unnecessary worries. Try out safe gel cream for tightening vagina.
The best way to flush it out – destress with a sex.
Such is the connection between sex and recalibrating our hormone levels for the better, that some have claimed it to be one of the best cures for insomnia.
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Turn your orgasms into bedgasms
While it may still remain a distant dream for some of you neglected ladies out there, I am here to tell you that nothing will help you fall asleep quicker than that elusive entity, the orgasm.
Firstly, research used PET scans has shown that in order for an individual to obtain the mighty O, they first have to let go of any feelings of anxiety and fear. Doing so obviously has a relaxing impact on the body and improves the odds of sleep.
Yes, yes, yesssss! When we orgasm our body is flooded with yet another hormone, this time one known as prolactin. Prolactin makes us feel blissfully relaxed and sleepy, which of course is a bonus when you are looking to fall into a deep and prolonged sleep.
Peculiarities regarding the release of prolactin in men also explain why the hairer sex feel considerably sleepier after getting it on than after masturbation. For reasons as yet still unknown to science, men release four times more prolactin during sex than they do when pleasuring themselves.
Ladies, this is probably why they are snoring away before you’ve even caught your breath then!
Helps you go deeper
Not only will sex help you fall asleep, the cocktail of chemicals released by the body during sex actually means that post-coital sleep is of a superior quality. Serotonin and norepinephrine are both injected into the bloodstream and actively help the sleeping body to cycle through the stages of REM and deep non REM sleep more effectively. Meaning sex before bed gives us a deeper more restorative sleep.
What’s the best way to ensure you fall asleep quickly? Easy, being dog-tired when your head hits the pillow of course. In today’s modern desk-based times, most of us lead a fairly sedentary lifestyle, the result is we don’t get sufficient exercise during the day and we often head to bed when we’re not actually tired. If you do not feel sexually healthy, try some effective exercises for better vaginal health for naturally tight and healthy vagina.
So what to do? Well, you could take up jogging or join a gym but why bother with all that lycra when the most fun way to break a sweat is to stay at home and get jiggy. Sexercise your way to better sleep!
Now, you know these chances are you are going to need to invest in a better bed. Check out this handy guide before you splashing the cash.
Final thoughts
The internet is full of a lot of advice about you can get more sleep. Some sites will promote yoga and meditation, others the benefits of avoiding screens and introducing wind-down time into your routine. While I am sure these are all very valid methods of increasing your zzzzs, none are as remotely fun as sex.
And if you still don’t believe me, even I’ve laid out all the science above, just give it a go. What’s the worst that can happen? Even if you don’t get any more sleep, you’ll still have had more sex! Now that’s a win-win.
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