It’s one of the more popular fat burners on sale at the moment and is considered as one of the market leaders in this particular category of supplements. But is it all it’s cracked up to be?
The problem these days when trying to find the best fat burner is that there are so many different products out there at the moment that it can quickly become confusing.
Luckily for you, our team of experts has done all of the hard work for you by breaking down everything you need to know about this product.
It’s made by a specialist supplements company called Roar Ambition and contains a blend of ingredients to help your body burn more fat.
It was originally developed to help MMA fighters and professional boxers strip fat before a big fight, but it was made available to the general public a few years ago.
In this article, we’re going to take a close look at Instant Knockout by looking at the ingredients, safety and checking out some of the customer reviews.
The Manufacturer
This fat loss supplement was developed by London-based Roar Ambition to give the various users power without any compromise that is cutting weight and building muscles.
• Green Tea – This is a powerful natural thermogenic packed full of antioxidants. It’s a very popular ingredient in fat burner supplements these days because it can boost metabolism and also increase energy levels. It’s one of our top fat burner ingredients.
• Cayenne Pepper – This works in two separate ways to help your body burn more fat, by boosting your metabolism and suppressing appetite. It’s another of our top picks for fat burning ingredients.
• Caffeine Anhydrous – It’s one of the most popular natural stimulants on the planet and coffee drinkers will know all about it. Caffeine can help increase energy levels but can also act as a metabolism booster. Anhydrous is one of the purest forms of caffeine.
• Glucomannan – Another of our favorite ingredients, this is a powerful natural plant extract which has been shown help keep you feeling fuller for longer, making it easier to stick to your diet.
• Green Coffee Bean – Green Coffee Bean can help boost metabolism to help you burn more fat. It’s another one of our top picks for fat burner ingredients.
There are a number of other good ingredients in Instant Knockout, such as B Vitamins, Chromium and Black Pepper Extract (which can boost the absorption of the other ingredients and make the supplement more effective).
Side Effects
Before taking a fat burner, you’ll want to be sure that the product is completely safe and that it doesn’t contain any banned or risky ingredients.
Thankfully, most of the products in this category are generally considered to be pretty safe because they only contain natural ingredients.
How Instant Knockout Works
Thermogenics is a word that you have likely heard if you have researched supplements. The word thermogenesis itself means “tending to produce heat.” In the nutritional supplement world, this is exactly what they do; they increase heat through metabolic stimulation. Weightlifters use thermogenic supplements to increase metabolism, which increases energy expenditure.
As with any supplement, thermogenic efficacy and safety vary from person to person and supplement to supplement. Before you begin the use of any supplement, it is a good idea to consult your doctor.
Instant Knockout is a supplement that attempts to put these thermogenic principles into action.
Pros and Cons of Instant Knockout Fat Burner
Just like other known supplements, the Instant Knockout fat burning supplement has got advantages and also some disadvantages.
- Stay on schedule
- Don’t neglect exercise and a good diet
- Use for a couple of months
- Take late at night
- Use Instant Knockout with other supplements containing stimulants
Manufacturer Videos
*Instant Knockout Best Fat Burner | User Testimonial & Review
*Instant Knockout Best Appetite Suppressant & Weight Loss Supplement
Where to Buy Instant Knockout Fat Burner
The Instant Knockout fat burning supplement is only available online on their official website, that www.instantknockout.com. It includes a 90-day guarantee.
Does Instant Knockout Work?
So, does Instant Knockout have you throwing in the towel on your weight-loss goals? Well, we like that we found some favorable customer comments and that the supplement contains a few natural ingredients, but we have concerns due to the lack of published clinical research supporting the claims. We’re also hesitant because of consumer reports regarding negative side effects and inefficiency.
If you want to increase fat loss, we suggest a supplement containing ingredients backed by published scientific research and zero reports of adverse side effects.
For prices, more user reviews and more data make sure to look at the Instant Knockout official website.
*Please note: While results may be experienced in the short term, the formulations were created for long-term use, and it is strongly recommended that the best fat burning supplements, appetite suppressants and diet pills be taken for at least 2-3 months for real, long-lasting benefits, however taking it for only a month or so will definitely produce some benefits in the short term.
If you’ve used Instant Knockout the best fat burner we’d love to hear about your own experiences. Feel free to leave a review or comment below.
I wonder why you need to take this four times daily? I mean, couldn’t they up the dosage or something so we’d only have to take 2 pills? This is a major inconvenient for me because I’m clearly going to forget to take one of these four pills. Other than that, it looks good.
A few months back I would have totally agreed with you, Rob. I couldn’t understand why they would force us to take this 4 times daily instead of 2 times which would have been much easier and convenient. Then I talked to a friend, venting my issues and he said something very interesting which I’m going to share. He said that he prefers taking 4 pills instead of 2 in this case because these kinds of pills can sometimes “shock” our bodies because of the bigger concentration on ones that require 2 pills versus ones with 4 pills. I hope you understand what I’m trying to say. Anyway, he has a point if you ask me and I’m now happy to take 4 pills daily if the impact it has on my body is a better one overall.
I had the same question as Rob so thanks for sharing this info, Brett. I always thought taking fewer pills is better but you might have a point in this case.
Jeremy, you are welcome. I was also under the impression that taking fewer pills must be better in all cases but it seems that’s not true, at least not here. I’d rather take 4 pills that don’t hurt my body in any way than take 2 pills that might push it too much and end up hurting it some way.
Yeah, I understand that now. I will just have to get used to reminding myself to take all the pills daily. I’m not very good at reminding myself such things but my smartphone’s reminders should definitely help with that :)).
Instant knock out and the high intensity training definitely work wonders!
Aron, definitely 💪 Saves time and ensures you experience the ‘afterburn’ too!
Hmm well now this may be what I was looking for. I was reading about a fat burner in a magazine and I didn’t write down the name so I have been searching for reviews and information. This sounds like it must be the one. The man in the magazine noted how it helps retain muscle while losing fast. Most supplements don’t.
Someone at my gym told me to try Instant Knockout to burn the fat I have. I don’t have a problem gaining muscle but the fat don’t want to budge so all my definition is hidden. Thanks for the review. I am glad I found this by googling around. Was very helpful.
You should let us all know how it goes for you. There are plenty of good reviews here, but sometimes I need more in order to make a decision on ordering. Good luck!
I lost some weight, but i could not follow a regularly steps. but now I am going to the gym and is working great! but i have only 6 pills left
Hi Dan, well done for choosing our best deal! Sounds like you had great results too! Did you notice you experienced less hunger cravings due to the glucomannan in Instant Knockout?
Instant Knockout is pretty good from what I can tell. Been using it for the last 3 weeks with good results. I was expecting a bit more, but after some thought, maybe I was asking for too much after such little time. I am hopeful that I will lose more fat in the upcoming weeks and months. The price is great for what this fat burner supplement can do and I’m going to keep using it for the foreseeable future.
Hi Sam. I was wondering how things are now? I think it’s been some time since you’ve started taking Instant Knockout and was wondering how you feel/look? Are you still taking it? Any replies are appreciated as I want to know more from someone who has used this for some time.
It’s been over 3 months since I’ve started taking IK and I feel really great. I have lost pounds of fat (at least 8) and I’ve gained muscle mass. My appetite is now under control – I used to eat very often and was eating anything I could find. Now I eat 3-5 times daily and I mostly eat quality food and very little fast food or junk food. I’m going to keep taking the pills for at least a year if not more. I want to gain more muscle and see where I am after 9+ months of taking this.
Thanks for the reply, man. I appreciate it. It’s cool to hear you’re getting such good results with this. Are there any side effects that you’ve noticed? How is your energy level?
I also have a few questions for you, Sam. How are you able to gain muscle mass if you eat less? Are you relying on these pills alone for that?
@Dylan– Didn’t see anything like that. IK has given me great benefits and no side effects so I think you should try it out. I sleep very well and wake up rested and there aren’t any stomach pains.
@Joey – I am eating high protein foods like eggs, almonds (love them), chicken breast, cottage cheese, tuna. So it’s a mix of food and the pills that increases my muscle mass and reduces fat.
@Christopher – No side effects and my energy is fantastic. I feel I have the energy of a 6 year old and I get a lot more done both in the gym and at work.
Sorry to barge in here, but are you experiencing any stomach pain? I’ve taken other supplements and they either hurt my stomach or they kept me up at night. Would just like to know if you’ve seen anything like that with Instant Knockout.
more energy and made me feel healthier. dont hesitate just try it. you wont regret it
Instant Knockout is great, but I also encourage people to train heavy while taking Instant Knockout. Lifting heavy has so many benefits including balancing hormone levels.
You’re absolutely right, we encourage people to lift weights too 💪 🙂 We’ve had requests from people who wanted stuff to do at home instead of watching tv, so this is for them 🙂
Started using this mainly because I’ve heard nice things about Instant Knockout from some friends and another reason was the great ingredients it has (like green tea, vitamin B6, caffeine, piperine, zinc, chromium). After the first week, I noticed that my metabolism was even better than 15 years ago! I used to be able to lose pounds of fat quickly when I was young and now, with this, I can do it again! The only downside -I fell a bit tired after workouts. The plus side – I now eat about half of what I used to use!
Hi Pat! Fat burners that contain more caffeine will give you a quick boost of energy, but then you’ll feel tired afterwards – Instant Knockout has been formulated so you never experience energy crashes, while still experiencing the benefits of caffeine 🙂 If you want more energy boosts, then add a cup of coffee or tea to your diet, but no fat burner should give you enough energy boosts to improve your gym session immediately – that’s what pre workout supplements are for
My favorite fat burner! Works well for me.
Thanks for the rundown and review. I always make sure I read up on anything before I put it in my body. I am going to give Total Knockout a go and order now. The price isn’t bad at all for what you get and what it can do for you. I look forward to seeing my results!
My metabolism is so much better since I’ve started using this product. I feel better because I eat less since I’m not that hungry anymore and I have also started eating the right kind of food. I’ve reduced my meat and dairy intake and I feel a lot better. I was feeling bloated the day after I ate any kind of dairy and now I’m just fine. This has given me much more energy and I’m working out 5 times a week now – used to go 3 times.
Seeing the peppers reminds me of me using cayenne pepper in my dishes; it adds so much zest to my pasta and it keeps us warm towards winter.
It suppresses your appetite while giving you energy? That’s actually a miracle.
This product is helping me achieve my goals and I am feeling a ton better. It’s kind of like my miracle pill!
Well I definitely need something that reduces my appetite. I work out but I eat to much..or I consume to many calories. I’m hoping this works wonders 🙂
Oh my friend is taking this stuff and she is looking really good. Trust me, once you see those results you won’t mind taking it 4 times a day! Now it’s my turn. I’m waiting on mine to arrive!
Thanks Sam. I’ve already ordered Instant Knockout and I’m excited about losing some pounds while gaining that elusive muscle mass. Will give this a serious go for at least 3-4 months so I have a chance to see some nice results.
Great discussion and I’ve learned a lot from reading the comments. I decided to get this and now I’m awaiting for my order to arrive.
At least the cons list is shorter than the pros list. That is the first thing that I am looking for in a product review. I have been waiting for a weight loss product that will help me without pounding my body with too much caffeine. it appears this one has a good balance!
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