An even and toned abdomen is a telltale sign of an aesthetically pleasing and proportional body contour. But as a health buff or as someone who wants to lose extra skin and fat, it still takes more effort to sculpt the midsection in comparison to the rest of the body.
According to plastic surgeon Dr. Cara Downey, “Like any part of the body, our midsection undergoes changes that cause it to have saggy skin, unwanted fat deposits, and even overstretched muscles underneath. These issues can be addressed through a tummy tuck. The procedure can serve as a supplement to regular exercise and dietary efforts.”
Tummy Tuck: Should you or shouldn’t you?
But while a tummy tuck can produce an astounding outcome, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies when it comes to having the actual procedure. So, before you decide to undergo one, it is advisable to weigh its pros and cons. Here are five advantages and five disadvantages that you should consider before going under the knife.
Advantages of Tummy Tuck
- Tauter and well-set abdomen
Did you lose a lot of weight and wind up with extra folds of skin? An abdominoplasty can tuck it in. The procedure can leave you with a smooth and taut belly. In addition, the surgery can tighten overstretched abdominal muscles due to instances such as childbirth and excessive weight gain. The outcome of the surgery is further enhanced if combined with other cosmetic procedures like liposuction.
- Trimmer and shapely waistline
While the procedure mainly focuses on the tummy, other body parts can also be enhanced through a tummy tuck. With the extra skin excised and folded away, the curves of your waistline become more defined, further accentuating your overall body contour.
- Stretch marks no more.
“Like mothers, people who lost a lot of weight also feel conscious about having stretch marks,” says Dr. Downey. “They are victims of overly stretched skin that can be very bothersome for the patient and lead to reduced confidence and a reluctance to wear certain swimwear.”
Through a tummy tuck procedure, the stretch marks resulting from massive weight loss or successive pregnancies are eliminated along with the excised skin. However, not everything can be removed, but its extent will be significantly decreased, making them easily hidden under clothing.
- Fit better in clothes and even swimwear.
After a tummy tuck procedure, your clothing selection widens and will come to include clothes that you could not previously wear. Clothes will also fit you better after the surgery, thus, greatly improving your appearance as well.
- Slaying it with renewed confidence.
If there is anything that’s as attractive as the appearance of a person, it’s confidence. After a tummy tuck surgery, your self-esteem will go from zero to slaying it! Feeling good inside-out can improve not only the way you relate to yourself but also with other people. It can likewise lead to a better outlook and quality of life.
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Disadvantages of Tummy Tuck
- Medical Risks
An abdominoplasty is a major surgery; hence, it comes with risks and possible complications if not carried out properly:
- Blood clots
- Allergic reactions to anesthesia used during the surgery
- Infections
- Fluid accumulation especially if drains are not evacuated regularly
- Skin discoloration and loss of sensation
- Excessive bleeding
- Permanent scars
The chance of having scars after a tummy tuck is high. The degree of scarring depends on how prone you are to scarring, the location and length of your incisions, the type of tummy tuck you had, and the skill of your plastic surgeon in performing the procedure.
- Longer recovery period
The standard downtime for a tummy tuck procedure is about two weeks. But since the healing rate varies from one patient to another, it can extend for an indefinite time. Recovery can also depend on your overall health, the extensiveness of the surgery, and even on the post-operation care that you apply.
- It comes at a costly price.
A tummy tuck surgery does not come cheap. The total cost of the surgery varies and may depend on:
- Your need for a tummy tuck
- The type of anesthesia used
- The surgical techniques that your plastic surgeon will employ
- The kind of tummy tuck you will have
- The reputation, skill, and experience of your plastic surgeon
- The outcome can be compromised.
While tummy tucks produce a long-lasting outcome, it can become altered in the long run. Factors such as pregnancy and unexpected weight gain or loss can modify the effects of your tummy tuck surgery, which may require you to have revision surgery.
To tuck or not to tuck?
While what we presented could help you decide whether to go for a tummy tuck or not, the decision to undergo the procedure involves more than weighing down its pros and cons. It is still best and recommended to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine if a tummy tuck is a feasible option for you and your needs.
In the end, remember that there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your body. With realistic expectations, the right attitude, and proper guidance from a board-certified plastic surgeon, a tummy tuck surgery can be the most satisfying thing that you can do for yourself.
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