NooCube Review: Boost Your Mood, Focus, and Memory


Noocube is one of the various supplements designed and manufactured by Wolfson Berg Limited. I’m always a little skeptical of nootropic companies that are actually just broad supplement companies. They sometimes tend to throw together random cheap ingredients (including tons of caffeine) and call it a “nootropic” to capitalize on the biohacking boom that’s occurring right now. I see so many of these types of supplements that I don’t even review most of them. However, Noocube is different. This little brain boosting supplement isn’t loaded with stimulants. It actually has a blend of ingredients that are very beneficial to brain health, overall focus, and learning capabilities.

What is NooCube and How Exactly Does it Work?

Nootropic drugs (also known as biohacking supplements) are meant to help you boost your mood, focus, and memory. That’s exactly what NooCube does. Apart from increasing the performance of your cognitive functions, it does so in a very efficient way.
It is made using clinically proven ingredients that have the ability to be more focused, alert, and able to concentrate on the task at hand. As such, NooCube brain pills should be useful in helping you achieve the following:
• Giving you the ability to go about your work efficiently and be more productive.
• Increasing your focus and levels of concentration.
• Giving you greater memory at work.
• Giving you a sharper memory and greater information retention ability.
• Helping boost your mood and ability to be attentive.
• It is a boost to the energy levels of your brain.
• Encouraging the production of key brain neurotransmitters.
• Warding off mental fatigue.
What’s it that makes NooCube such an effective nootropic pill? Of course, it’s the clinically proven ingredients used in this supplement. Although the ingredients have the ability to work on their own, they are more potent when taken as part of the pills. That’s why some reviews have put NooCube brain boosting supplement among the top ten mental enhancement supplements. 

NooCube Ingredients

To properly analyze Noocube, I’m going to break down the ingredients. We’ll be looking at the research-backed benefits of each to see if this nootropic actually does what it claims to.

  • Alpha GPC (50mg):Also known as L-Alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine or choline alfoscerate, Alpha GPC is used in almost all of the highly rated nootropics on Brain Wiz. It not only works on its own as potent nootropic but it also works in conjunction with a variety of other nootropics to help potentiate their effects. Some benefits of Alpha GPC include being able to enhance and restore memory, improve mood, boost energy, and increase strength.
  • AC-11 (175mg): AC-11 (also called Cat’s Claw) is derived from the inner bark of the Uncaria tomentosa vine. One of its biggest and most incredible benefits is its ability to repair DNA. As we age, DNA has a much harder time repairing itself. If a damaged DNA strand replicates without properly repairing itself, it can lead to negative effects such as memory loss and other cognitive issues (to only name a few).
  • Oat Straw (150mg): Oat Straw is derived from the same plant that oatmeal and plain oats are derived from (avena sativa). In addition to its ability to improve attention span and increase cognitive performance, it is also used as a natural anti-stress supplement.
  • Huperzine A (20mg): Huperzine A has been used successfully to help those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. It works by improving memory by increasing levels of acetycholine (a chemical that nerves use to communicate with each other in the brain, muscles, and a variety of other areas in the body.
  • Bacopa (250mg): Bacopa has been used to help those suffering from a wide range of different cognetive issues, including attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. In addition to its brain boosting abilities, it also has been shown to improve users adaptability to stress (up to 90%).
  • L-Theanine (100mg): Commonly found in green tea, research has shown that L-Theanine has the ability to improve mental alertness and improve attention.
  • L-Tyrosine (250mg): Studies have shown that when people are given L-Tyrosine during high-stress times, it was able to improve various aspects of their cognitive function (when compared with a placebo).
  • Vinpocetine (2.5mg): Vinpocetine is found in the Perriwinkle plant. It has a variety of effects that can help improve the mental state of its users. It acts as a neuroprotectant, acts as an anti-aging agent, and may improve blood flow (helping oxygen and the other nutrients get to the body more efficiently).
  • Pterostilbene (14mcg): Not too much research has been conducted on Pterostilbene. However, early research has concluded that pterostilbene is “effective in reversing cognitive behavioral deficits, as well as dopamine release, and working memory was correlated with pterostilbene levels in the hippocampus”.


NooCube Nootropics Pros and Cons

On the NooCube website, NooCube makes a few health benefit claims, including:

  1. Enhance your cognitive function
  2. Heighten your concentration and focus
  3. Improve your memory and learning

Better focus, better memory …Papa John’s.

As we’ve already stated, NooCube has all the right parts to deliver on these benefits. But it’s unlikely that they accomplish these benefits to such a substantial and significant effect to really have that much of an improvement on your mental game.

If anything, NooCube points its customers in the right direction: “These are the nootropics you should be taking for better cognitive function and health.” And then said customers should find a better stack with these ingredients.


Where to Buy NooCube Brain Pills

If you want to buy NooCube at the least price, go to its official website, which is
One bottle of pills is being sold for $43.23 along with 60-day guarantee and free shipping.
And since you won’t find a lower price for the real product, it only makes sense to go with the official company.  Most of those sellers offering Noocube on Amazon are not selling the real thing.   This is a common problem in the supplements industry and it is not worth the risk.

NooCube – Summarizing the Review

Noocube is a great nootropic. I’m sure there are a lot of people out there that will say it is just a copy of Alpha Brain and that they should have come up with a unique blend. To be honest, I did think that but at the same time, Alpha Brain has a great product too. Noocube is taking something that is proven to work and selling at a lower price. There’s pros and cons to that business model but at the end of the day, the consumer is the winner.

Aside from having a positive experience reviewing Noocube, I also like the fact that they offer a 60-day money back guarantee. This isn’t as good as Alpha Brain’s “Keep It” policy but it’s better than nothing.

You can find prices and more info at the


*Please note: While results may be experienced in the short term, the formulations were created for long-term use, and it is strongly recommended that the best nootropic supplement pills and cognitive boosters be taken for at least 2-3 months for real, long-lasting benefits, however taking it for only a month or so will definitely produce some benefits in the short term.

Have you tried out NooCube Biohacking Pills? We’d love to hear about your own personal experiences. Feel free to leave a review or comment below.

NooCube Brain Pills Overall Rating













  • Boosts levels of concentration, focus and attention
  • Increases the level of alertness
  • Increases cognitive function, prolongs productivity
  • Boosts our learning capabilities, brain power
  • Increases focus, mood, memory and mental clarity


  • Only available online