Math is the Best Exercise You Can Do: Why Stressing Your Brain Works

math brain

Fitness isn’t always physical. For an experienced coach, this has always been true. However, for the average gym rat, conditioning something other than the heart, lungs and muscle fibers is a waste of time. In reality, the mind is as much of a muscle as your biceps and quads.

As more research into brain health comes to the fore, people are starting to see that it’s not just in old age that mental fitness is important. In fact, if you scroll through the list of supplements on the market today, brain pills are all the rage. From Onnit’s Alpha Brain to Piracetol for boosting mental acuity, there are plenty of ways to jack-up your brain.

Mental Pressure Builds Muscles

The benefit of this is that keeping your brain active will keep you sharper for longer and, moreover, you’ll feel happier. Indeed, according to research from Duke University, brain scans have shown a potential link between math and emotion. Publishing in the Clinical Psychological Science journal, the research suggests that being able to perform mental calculations can help people control their feelings more effectively.

“Our work provides the first direct evidence that the ability to regulate emotions like fear and anger reflects the brain’s ability to make numerical calculations in real time,” said neuroscience graduate student Matthew Scult.

In addition to helping people regulate their emotions, Ryuta Kawashima of Tohuku University has found that mental arithmetic can also improve cognition. In support of this, research out of Harvard University cites “mental strain” as an important training method. By putting yourself under a certain amount of mental pressure, it’s possible to keep the brain in a healthier state and, in turn, improve functions such as memory.

From the research, it’s obvious that finding ways to tax your brain with math problems is an important training routine for anyone interested in brain health. One game that seems to offer the perfect combination of pressure and arithmetic is blackjack.

Blackjack: The Unlikely Training Method

Around for centuries in one form or another, this casino game forces players to perform calculations under pressure. Today, with the internet being what it is, gaining access to blackjack games is easier than it’s ever been. By visiting a third-party review site, novices can get an overview of the best Canadian casinos, the finest Europe has to offer and more. Taking into account everything from the software and bonuses to the number of gaming options, these sites provide an easy access point for anyone wanting to challenge their brain at the blackjack table. Once you’ve found your way into the game, the trick is to try and keep pace with the software.

In other words, actively try to add up the numbers on your two cards. Once you’ve done that, think about what card/s you need to get your total to 21. Finally, think about what the dealer has and all the possible ways (i.e. cards) they could win with. If you can do all of this in the few seconds it takes to play a round of blackjack, you’ll brain will be buzzing. Even though you won’t feel physically exhausted, your mind will be after an hour at the table.

This kind of stress is what will keep your brain strong, especially as you get older. Although you’ve probably never considered mixing up your gym sessions with a few rounds of blackjack, the benefits are there. Of course, it doesn’t have to be card games. Anything that pushes your brain will keep you mentally strong. However, if you can have some fun while you’re doing it, that’s a bonus.

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