How Long Do You Need to Wait After a Surgery Before Visiting a Chiropractor?

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Chiropractic has established itself as a more and more popular medical treatment and a lot of people regularly visit their chiropractors. This type of therapy is effective in treating a number of conditions, from chronic back and neck pain, migraines to various more serious diseases. It is also good for improving the overall immune system.

However, in case of a surgical procedure of any kind, you might need to cease with most activities for a while, so it will probably be necessary to make a break with the chiropractic sessions.

The length of the break, of course, depends on the type of procedure, but here are some general recommendations from professionals at Fix Body Group of San Diego on how long you should wait until continuing the chiropractic treatment.

Type of Surgery

If you’ve had a minor procedure that has nothing to do with your back or the part of your body because of which you visit the chiropractor, then the surgery might not influence your chiropractic schedule.

For instance, if you’ve had a minor stitching or something similar, it shouldn’t affect your chiropractic treatment.

If, however, you’ve had a back-related procedure, it is obvious you need to stop visiting a chiropractor for quite a while and start again only after precise consultations with your doctor. The same goes for abdominal procedures, such as, for instance, gallbladder removal surgery.

Ask Your Surgeon

Consult the surgeon who performed the operation before you do any other kind of medical procedure. That includes a visit to your chiropractor. Your doctor should be available for consultations both before and after the operation, so if you are planning to visit a chiropractor, discuss it with them beforehand, as well as after the procedure.

Your surgeon is responsible for your recovery, and they need to know all of the relevant information about your progress, including any kind of physical activity which is permitted or not. They will be the one to tell you whether this will obstruct the recovery process or not.

Ask Your Chiropractor

If you have a favorite chiropractor whom you visit regularly or when you need some professional help, ask them about their opinion.

Chiropractors are medical professionals who have an extensive knowledge about the human body and will generally be able to tell you whether it is a good idea to undergo treatment or not. What’s more, they will not be comfortable treating you if it might cause you harm, both for ethical reasons and for legal liability.

Try to Gauge Your Own Body

Ultimately, you should know your body the best, and you will likely feel whether you are ready or not to be treated by a chiropractor. This is doubly true if you used to visit a chiropractor regularly.

If you know the intensity of the treatment and the way it affects your body, you should be able to decide on your own whether to visit a chiropractor or not.

What Your Medical Care Professionals Need to Know

Whatever you ultimately decide to do, make sure that all of your medical care providers are aware of each other. There are potential implications for each kind of medical procedure, and even though surgery and chiropractic are very different in their approach, they can still interact and interfere with one another.

In order to ensure that you are not hurting yourself and not causing any additional problems, all of your medical professionals need to work in unison, with full knowledge of what other kinds of medical attention you are getting. You might not know how they might be linked, but both your doctors chiropractic professionals sure will.


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