Fat burning pills are among the most controversial nutritional supplements on the health market, and for good reason: most are junk and a few are downright harmful, but not all weight loss pills are entirely useless… The problem is that the vast majority of weight loss supplements on the market now are complete junk.
But if you learn how to drive fat loss with appropriate diet plan and exercise, certain weight loss supplements can hasten the procedure.
Fat burners are like most other nutritional supplements: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is; and if you do not also know what you are doing with your diet program and exercise, they are not going to help you.
Nevertheless, if you invest your money wisely and select only best fat burning supplements that are demonstrated to accelerate fat loss and burn calories, you can lose pounds faster with the correct fat loss supplements.
Why Take a Fat Burning Supplement?
Fat loss is a frequent goal for men for various reasons, and even though it can be achieved directly through hard work and determination, there are a whole lot of guys that are searching for any kind of shortcut to make the procedure as quick and simple as possible. Fat burning supplements provide precisely that for those searching for this sort of solution.
Some fitness and health purists would argue that taking these kinds of weight loss supplements essentially amounts to a quick fix, but the simple fact is that individuals vary in regards to how their bodies store fat.
There are genetic factors that could come into play which predetermine the body’s efficiency at fat storage. Environmental elements may also influence this, as an instance the quantity and quality of food that a person consumes.
Besides including more fat burning foods in your diet, choosing quality weight loss supplements can help overcome some of those barriers and successfully reduce the procedure for fat storage.
Fat Loss for Men vs Fat Loss for Women
Women and men generally burn fat at different rates because of physiological differences. Men’s bodies are generally larger on average and include more muscular, and because of this they generally lose weight quicker compared to their female counterparts.
Since muscle consumes more calories than fat, even at rest, and because men possess a larger muscle-to-fat ratio compared to women, men obviously build muscle more-easily and burn more calories.
Men also tend to increase muscle mass with less effort than females because of the organic creation of certain androgens – human hormones such as testosterone. All things being equal, virtually any fat burning supplement is effective for women will be at least as effective for men.
Types of Best Fat Loss Supplements
Most best weight loss supplements can be generally classified in the following categories:
Thermogenics work by raising body temperature by boosting metabolism. These kinds of fat burning supplements burn fat and sometimes reduce appetite. When many stimulants are also thermogenics, not all thermogenics are automatically stimulants. Green Coffee Bean extract, Capsaicin (derived from hot peppers), and Green Tea extract are examples of thermogenic ingredients.
Stimulants are components that increase the action of the sympathetic nervous system. Some common examples include Caffeine and Ephedra.
Appetite Suppressants cause a decrease in cravings and the feeling of being hungry. This causes eating less and forcing the body to burn fat as an energy replacement. Hoodia Gordonii and Garcinia Cambosia are generally used appetite suppressants. Garcinia Cambogia appetite suppressant became popular worldwide after being featured on the Dr. Oz show in 2012.
Lipotropics are chemicals which help to break down fat throughout the body’s metabolic process. Methionine, Choline, Inositol and Betain are all lipotropic ingredients.
Hormone Boosters are natural supplements designed to boost testosterone levels, HGH, and other hormone levels, encouraging a lower percentage of body fat and increased muscle mass. A number of these supplements contain ingredients such as Tribulus Terrestris, Maca Root and Tongkat Ali.
Best Fat Burning Supplements
When comparing fat loss products, you will likely see that the most popular ones have a blend of 2 or more of these kinds of ingredients that help to burn stored fat, generally making them far more effective. Some of those best fat burning supplements geared towards men and women that continue to show convincing results include brands such as:
- Anorectant no. 10 >>
- Crazy Bulk Cutting Stacks >>
- Phen375 >>
- ThermaKor >>
- Instant Knockout >>
- PhenQ >>
- Garcinia Cambogia Ultra Pure >>
If you need assistance with choosing a weight loss supplement that works, then make certain to check out our review for what we believe to be the one of the best unisex fat burning supplement:
Review of weight loss supplement & top-performing fat burner Instant Knockout >>
Diet Plan: Best 15-Day Weight Loss Program
Di.et is a groundbreaking new way to achieve stunning and rapid weight loss that’s backed by science. You’ll lose up to 15 lb in 15 days – guaranteed. A series of five downloadable guides, Di.et promises to help your customers lose up to 15 pounds in 15 days.
Customers get comprehensive diet plans and meal programs (such as veggie and vegan friendly programs), workout programs, fat burning supplement info and a weight loss maintenance manual, all comprising easy, science-based nutrition and weight loss info.
Developed by qualified nutritionists and personal trainers, Di.et fits perfectly with individuals who wish to lose excess weight, which makes it a vital addition to their own weight loss program.
The show includes three products: a fat burning supplement, cleansing tea and downloadable recipe book. Read real user reviews and learn the secrets to losing weight and keeping it off for life:
Final Thoughts
Men and women more than ever are searching for fast ways to slim down, and using the best fat burning supplement is one among the best shortcuts you can take. Not only do they boost your metabolism, but they can force your body to burn more fat and to burn calories for energy.
What is more, taking the ideal fat burner may get you slimmed down much faster by giving you the power to push harder when you work out. Since a lot of the weight loss supplements contain energy-boosting ingredients, they are perfect when used as pre-workout fat burners for bodybuilding, cycling, jogging, etc. – in effect doubling the advantage.
That having been said, it is important to bear in mind that as soon as you’ve achieved your desired weight you will need to keep a healthy lifestyle or risk gaining back all of the pounds you lost. Maintaining a proper diet and exercising on a regular basis, particularly with cardio or aerobic exercise will obviously enable you to keep the calories burning off and the excess weight from creeping back.
If you want to slim down and lose some pounds and burn calories as quickly as possible, please follow this:
- If you are a guy, drink 12 glasses of water each day, 8 is OK if you are a girl, but more is OK too.
- Get to bed earlier. Around 8 or 9 at night is best.
- Limit the amount of junk food you have.
- Find exercises you like, and do them to remain healthy.
- Try one of those weight loss products listed above to make losing weight even simpler. These are the best diet pills helping to burn fat quickly, available on the market today.
It’s always nice to see when you’re in a good shape and look younger and sexy. So to round up the supplement list we decided to include two more excellent supplements. Please read our comprehensive reviews about human growth hormone booster & anti-aging supplement HGH releaser GenFX and unique unisex workout supplement Black Wolf or just visit their official websites to find out more information:
*Please note: While results in losing weight may be experienced in the short term, the formulations were created for long-term use, and it is strongly recommended that a fat burning supplement be taken for at least 2-3 months for real, long-lasting benefits, however taking it for only a month or so will definitely produce some benefits in the short term.
If you’ve used these best fat burning supplements and weight loss pills we’d love to hear about your own experiences. Feel free to leave a review or comment below.
I never thought I would be looking for weight loss help but here I am. No shame in it these days. They put so much crap in are food it is no wonder we all struggle with weight issues. I am going to look over the recommendations and read the full reviews.
I have been working out and eating better and lost a lot of weight but I have been stuck for almost 7 months now with no change so I am looking into fat burners for men. This was helpful. I never took anything for weight loss so it is refreshing I can just hop onto this site and find everything I need in one place.
I had no idea there were this many options out there and I am relieved that I can just pin point the best ones. I am not sure what I want in terms of weight loss pills other than for them to work with no side effects. I am going to write some of these down to go over with my doctor.
I find that supplements work best when they are for BOTH men and women rather than just one or the other. I have tried plenty and the ones that worked for me have always been for both sexes. I have gained weight during my latest pregnancy that is not coming off so I am looking into some new options. Thanks for the information!
I’m really tempted to try Instant Knockout but would like a few more opinions. Has anyone tried it?
Instant Knockout works well if you follow the recommended dosage of 4 times daily. Some people have a problem with this since it is 4 times but I don’t have an issue with it and I like the results.
What kinds of results did you get? Give me more details please.
I’m on month 2 of this and I have more energy, I don’t feel as hungry as I did before it and I’ve already lost about 18 pounds.
Those are great results. Could you tell us more? I’m sure there are more people who are interested in more details.
And have you seen any side effects?
To Alicia – No side effects and I’m very glad I didn’t lose more weight. I want this to be a process, a marathon and not a short race where I hurt my body to lose weight fast. I like it slow and steady. I feel great and am losing weight at a pace I am comfortable with.
That sounds great. You mentality is very important here. Many people look for fat burning supplements that can deliver overnight successes and that’s why they hurt their health. If it’s worthwhile it’s worth the wait in my opinion.
Spot on! That’s what I think too. I don’t want to hurry and I’m actually enjoying this whole journey. I am certain now that I can lose 50 pounds in the next 6-8 months. That’s my goal.
Did you have to start eating something else than you were used to?
As a result of losing weight and not feeling as hungry I have started eating healthier. I now eat a lot more vegetables, salads, fruits, more raw foods, and also drink more water.
I would love to lose weight and begin eating healthier in the process. That would be like a dream come true. I’m on the verge of getting this, does it somehow affect your sleep in some way?
Well that’s a strange thing to ask but no. Quite the contrary, I’m now sleeping better than ever but I’m not sure this supplement is to “blame” for that. I think the results I am getting are giving me peace of mind and helping me sleep better.
Instant Knockout is a great product and taken 4 times daily will give you the results you want. You’ll start seeing results after your first 1-2 weeks but take it for at least 3 months to see some kickass things ;). And yes, you will start to eat healthier.
I would add that you MUST take it 4 times daily, otherwise it won’t do much. Always follow the recommended dosage and don’t go overboard or take too little.
Thanks for your input. I’ve decided to take the plunge and buy it. I’m going to take it for at least 1 month and asses what it has done and continue from there
I’ve also started working out a lot more than before. This supplement has really brought a lot of extra positive side-effects with it. I used to workout 1-2 times weekly and now I tend to do at least 3 workouts weekly.
That’s cool. I like working out and am already going to the gym 3-4 times weekly.
I think we can all lose a lot of weight relatively fast but the problem comes when you want to lose it for good. How do you keep if off for good? That’s what’s scary to me. The fact that you could go on a diet that works well for you and when you’re done, you’ll get all your weight back or more.
I also have problems with this and would appreciate any advice. I’ve tried a few diets but nothing sticked. Lost some pounds but then put them back on 🙁
You should try the best 15-day loss program – the link is on this page Di.et. I tried it and it works and best of all they teach you how to maintain your weight which was the most important thing for me.
Just like Serena mentioned, you’ll get all the info you need on how to actually keep the weight off after the 15-day loss program is over.
Is it just me or do men lose weight faster than women?
I don’t think it’s just you. In general, men seem to find it easier to lose weight although I personally know a woman that can beat any man at this.
I think it depends on your metabolism. I wouldn’t say men lose more weight faster than women. It depends from person to person. But there are things you can do to increase the chances of losing weight no matter your sex.
Like what? Any ideas are greatly appreciated 🙂
You probably already know them but if you haven’t used them then it’s like you don’t know them so either way, start using them. Eat less sweets, less sugar, more vegetables, a decent amount of fruits (be careful what fruits as they also can have sugar in excess), eat less or no canned foods – anything processed must be avoided as much as possible.
I would add: drink more water. When you wake up in the morning don’t go for the fridge. Drink water and drink at least 1-2 glasses. Most of the time your body is thirsty not hungry.
I could introduce more vegetables in my diet but cutting down on the sweets is going to be tough. I really love them!
You can start by eating a bit less daily. Don’t go for the kill and not eat any sweets as that may lead to you eating even more sweets. Take it down slowly and try to replace the sweets with something else. For example, eat fresh pineapple and you won’t feel as much need for sweets.
Hmm… Pineapple you say? That could work. Thanks. Oh, and is it ok if I drink tea – does that count towards drinking more water? I like to drink a few cups of tea daily.
Drinking tea is great, especially green tea, black tea, and so on, but water is water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water plus whatever tea you like. Don’t bundle them together.
Oh, so the tea doesn’t count as water? Didn’t think of it that way. I thought I was drinking lots of water just because of the tea.
Water is crucial and while tea is also a liquid, it doesn’t count as water. You should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily although I usually drink 10 or more.
Can you really lose 15lbs in just 15 days? It sounds too good to be true?
I managed to and if I could then anyone can. I’m not stopping here and I aim to lose another 50 pounds in the next months.
Were there any side effects? The weight didn’t come back at all?
No side effects and the weight has stayed off (hopefully for good but that depends on me). I followed their advice to a T and now I’m not letting up and still doing what they said for maintenance.
Did you have to starve yourself to lose that much weight so quickly?
No :)) It’s funny because I’m the last person that would starve herself just to lose weight. Nope, I love food too much for that :).
So, you ate what you wanted and still lost weight? How come?
Well, I didn’t eat exactly what I wanted. There were some foods I needed to avoid. It’s more of eating the right kinds of food that allows me to feel full, be healthier and lose weight.
Going full in on this one because I have a wedding coming up in just a month so here goes nothing.
Anyone tried Anorectant no.10?
Yes, it works fine. Keep taking it as they recommend and you’ll speed up your metabolism, eat less because you won’t be as hungry and recover faster after workouts.
And, as I already mentioned please try to drink as much water as possible. This will increase the power of any supplement you may take.
Which are the best quality weight loss supplements?
Try the test Stack RX fat burner – it’s one of the best ones in the market. It’s safe, made from high quality ingredients, it works and there are no side effects.
I also recommend Test Stack RX as it is one of the best fat burning supplements out there.
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