Male enhancement supplements are being produced more often than ever. There are hundreds of these supplements, devices, pills and gels out there, and the majority of them just pure scam. It requires a certain amount of time and much effort to discover a really good, reliable, effective and safe male enhancement product and even then, you can not make sure it really works until you have tried it.
Better Sex Drive: Best Sexual Supplements for Him
There are more male sexual enhancement supplements and products on the market today than a decade or two ago. Unfortunately, with all of the choices available today it can be an overwhelming job just trying to find out where to begin and understanding what works from what is a scam.
Penis pills, penis extenders, sperm volume pills, penis pumps, enhancement lotions, male sex pills, libido boosters for men… the list continues on and on.
To make matters simple, we’ve broken down male enhancement products into several primary categories and give some introductory information for each, in addition to recommending those that have been shown to be the best sexual enhancements for men.
Male Enhancement Pills, Men’s Sex Pills
There are a vast array of sex pills, sprays, creams and gels for men available on the market today, from prescription drugs with ingredients such as Sildenafil Citrate and Tadalafil, to organic sexual health supplements containing herbs such as Yohimbe and Horny Goat Weed.
The principal purpose of prescription drugs such as Viagra and Cialis is to fight erectile dysfunction and, to a lesser extent, premature ejaculation. However, the main objective of most over-the-counter male sexual performance supplements is to not only provide better quality erections and staying power, but to enlarge penis size, improve sexual pleasure, increase sexual performance and boost sex drive also.
Since most male sexual enhancement supplements and penis enlargement pills are made from all-natural ingredients, you will find little or no negative side effects associated with them, unlike physician prescribed medications which may cause undesirable side effects such as headaches, back pain, acid reflux, flushing and upset stomach, just to mention a few.
Luckily, there are lots of popular men’s sex enhancement products and male sex pills which seem to generate excellent results. Many men are looking for the brands such as:
These best male enhancement supplements continue to show best results as herbal alternatives to Viagra.
Read our review about one of the best penile enhancement pills VigRX Plus >>
For lots of men, taking male enhancement pills is a secure, simple and convenient way to boost overall erection size, libido, quality, and staying power.
Male Enhancement Creams, Men’s Sex Oils and Gels
Besides taking sex pills and nutritional supplements for improving male sexual performance, there is an increasingly common market for topical enhancement alternatives. These sexual performance products work by distributing their components through transdermal delivery via sexual creams, lotions, oils, as well as stains like the popular ProEnhance.
Before and after results: the end result is a fast-acting male sexual enhancer which generates almost immediate results. There is no first waiting period for the ingredients to take effect just like you have with caps or pills, and for plenty of men it’s a lot more convenient to use. In addition to that, getting your partner apply it for you can be particularly enjoyable also.
Some examples of the best men’s sexual enhancers include:
All of those male sexual supplements have become increasingly popular because of both their efficacy and discreet online accessibility.
Read our review about one of the best penis enlargement lubricants VigRX Oil >>
Penis Enlargement Creams
Much like taking mens’ sexual performance pills, topical solutions help to get the fullest, hardest erections potential, and over time this will increase the total size of penile cells.
However, even though this increase in size is evident, it is not dramatic. No pill or cream can make huge gains by themselves. To really get the largest increase in the size of your manhood, you’ll also have to use a fantastic penis extender or best penis pump.
Which is Better – Sex Pills or Lotions?
Whether you decide to use sex pills or a topical lotion, the results are usually the same: stronger, larger, rock-hard erections, increased staying power and overall superior sexual performance.
It’s more a question of personal taste than anything else. In the long run, in case you really need to deliver the goods like a porn star, consider using a mixture of both male enhancement pills or sex lotion with an external device like a penis pump or penile extender. This will boost your sexual performance results dramatically and you will notice a massive difference compared to using any one sexual enhancement procedure by itself.
By utilizing a high quality male topical libido booster you will not just take your sex life to a different level, but you may also compliment and amplify any other male enhancement product that you may be using.
For those of you who prefer this sort of solution, you can see what we advise here as one of the best topical male enhancement supplements and libido boosters.
Premature Ejaculation Delay Sprays and Creams
It may surprise you to learn that in certain cases your penis can almost be overly sensitive. But the simple fact is that a number of men reach orgasm much earlier than they or their spouses desire, sometimes in less than a minute after penetration.
Quite simply, it seems really nice that it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the excitement. There’s such a thing as being too turned on if you have little control: it is a condition known as premature ejaculation.
That is why using a male desensitizer is such a fantastic tool to have in your arsenal. Essentially, a men’s desensitizer is a sexual lotion or spray containing a mild anesthetic.
Also known as delay sprays or premature ejaculation delay creams, they are intended to decrease penile sensitivity, allowing you slow down and enjoy the ride.
Some of the more well-known and effective “stay hard” products being sold include brands like:
By using delay supplements such as these you can boost your sexual endurance and will be surprised at how long you continue and your confidence will sky-rocket because of this. There is definitely nothing quite as satisfying or enjoyable as bringing your partner to orgasm and going for as long as you and your significant other want.
Ejaculation Enhancers to Increase Sperm Volume
Producing a minimal volume of semen can be a much greater problem than simply failing to impress your sexual partner; it may be the source of poorer orgasms and a lower sperm count, as well as the negative emotional consequences associated with decreased fertility and operation.
The libido is not quite as hair-triggered in the future as it once was unfortunately, that’s just the way it goes. However, the quantity of semen that you create has a dramatic effect on your sexual life and sexual health.
When you increasingly have fewer and shorter orgasms, the quality of your sexual experiences will begin to go downhill quickly.
Some examples of best supplements stimulating sexual activity and increasing semen production include:
Because semen is a significant element when it comes to a person’s orgasms, a larger volume means quicker and more intense contractions involving the orgasm-related muscles. These include the pubococcygeus, ejaculatory ducts, rectum and anal sphincter, perineum, and the muscles around the penis.
In other words, the larger volume of semen you create, the stronger and longer your orgasms and sexual pleasure will be.
With a greater comprehension of the role that naturally occurring ingredients perform in regards to sexual health, there are now several excellent products being offered to improve orgasms and increase the volume of semen, including brands such as Volume Pills and one of the best semen increasing pills Semenax.
By taking a fantastic semen volume enhancer, you will increase semen and much more seminal fluid means better, much more intense orgasms in addition to a healthier, happier sex life and boosted libido.
Read the full review of one of the best semen increasing supplements Semenax >>
Best Penis Pumps and Penis Extenders
In the area of penis enlargement there are usually two kinds of choices available: surgical process and external apparatus. Though the herbal enhancement supplements and topical remedies available do cause some increase in size with time, the results are more of an indirect side effect because their primary role is to boost sexual performance.
And if you do a fast search on penis enlargement surgeries you will discover enough botched process horror stories to provide nightmares. This is certainly not the route any sane guy ought to be taking.
Practically speaking, there are really only two secure and proven techniques to substantially increase the length and girth of your manhood, and that is by using one of the best penis extenders or penis pumps.
Penis Extenders
Penis extenders are devices which are designed to really extend the penis, and over time this extending produces a permanent lengthening of the member. There are many well-known penis enlargement devices available, such as:
A number of studies have proven the efficacy of those penis devices, including one where the subjects saw an average gain of almost an inch after the first month of using the penis enlarger device. After having stopped using the penile extenders for six months, the gains failed to diminish.
When used correctly, penile traction is safe and produces measurable benefits, slowly stretching the cells of the penis in a similar way to certain cosmetic surgery procedures.
The principal advantage gained from having an extender is added penis length, more so than girth, though you will obtain both. But for anyone wanting primarily extra penis girth, a penis pump will probably be your better option. There is also another option to give it a try: penis enlargement pills. Try to use Virility Ex, one of the best penis enlargement pills.
Read the full review of one of the best-performing penis extender Jes Extender >>
Penis Pumps
Penis pumps are one of the best and effective methods of combating erectile dysfunction and for expanding the girth and length of the penis. Doctors have been prescribing vacuum constriction devices for quite a while and it is the only non-surgical method that has been FDA approved for penis enlargement.
These penile devices work by filling the blood vessels and cells of the penis to maximum capacity, providing instant visible benefits, but it requires consistent daily use for these results to become permanent.
Traditionally, these penis pumps have functioned by removing air from the room which forces blood into the penile vessels and tissues. Lately this layout has been further enhanced by manufacturers like Bathmate and HydroMax, by replacing the air in the pumping chamber with warm water, which creates a more even distribution of pressure and volume combined with increased blood circulation in the addition of heat. To find out more information be sure to visit the official manufacturer website:
Vacuum pumps also have been shown to really increase male performance and erection quality in addition to size.
Please take a look at the full review of one of the best penis pumps BathMate >>
Penis Pumps vs Penis Extenders
The question is which penis enlargement device is better: penis pumps or penis extenders? It is really a matter of taste, but generally speaking if you’d prefer longer penis length, go with an extender, and when it is penis girth you’re following, a pump is you’re best bet.
You may even get the best of both penile enlargement devices by using them together, but we recommend exercising good judgement when doing this, especially when just starting out. Be certain that you use both penis enlargement devices for the minimum period of time based on the instructions and work your way up from there. This will guarantee the security of your most valued appendage and prevent the potential for harm from over-doing it.
And like we already said, there is also another option worth trying: penis enlargement pills. Try to use Virility Ex, one of the best penis enlargement pills.
Final Thoughts
It’s always nice to see when you’re in a good shape and look sexy. So to round up the supplement list we decided to include two more excellent male enhancement supplements. Please read our detailed reviews about testosterone and libido booster Test Stack RX no. 17 (*Voted number one testosterone booster!) and unique fat burner and weight loss supplement Instant Knockout or just visit their official websites to find out more information:
*Please note: While gains may be experienced in the short term, the formulations were created for long-term use, and it is strongly recommended that a male enhancement supplement like sex pills or penis enlargers be taken for at least 2-3 months for real, long-lasting benefits, however taking it for only a month or so will definitely produce some benefits in the short term.
If you’ve used these best male enhancement supplements or penis enlargers we’d love to hear about your own experiences. Feel free to leave a review or comment below.
My boyfriend looked into some options and was overwhelmed so I decided to do a bit of research myself. This was a fantastic read and I am happy to have found a site that has TONS of reviews all in one place. I am going to show him this tomorrow when he gets home from work and see what he thinks.
I am glad there are so many options these days. It is an issue I have been worried about since I was in my 30’s. All the men in my family seemingly have issues with “small” and “soft” well… areas. My wife never has told me she had an issue but I know she would prefer is I was larger. Going to look into these options.
I once considered getting surgery and it is something I quickly got talked out of. I have seen breast implant botches which happen at around 15% but penis enlargement botches happen closer to 40% and that is just too high of a risk for me! So yeah, I invested in a penis pump and it has helped a lot!
I spent many years thinking I had no options and I am glad more men are speaking out about this today. It has changed me life and saved my marriage. My lack of self confidence in the bedroom greatly hindered my performance which was already lacking for my wife. She was not happy. If you want to have a better sex life, try your options out. You will be glad you did.
For a long, long time, I was searching for the best penis enlargement pills. Took me a while to find some good ones but I eventually found the Virility Ex pills. I’ve started using them and I felt they were working.
What kinds of changes did you notice? How long have you been using them?
Yeah, tell us more, Manny. We’d all love to hear how this went and you could also be helping others battling the same things.
Been on the pills for about 72 days and I’ve noticed good results even after my first week on these pills. I now last longer in bed, my sex drive is above normal and I can also get an erection faster than before.
So you are happy with these pills? Any side effects at all?
No side effects until now but I’m only on month two so we’ll see. I’m keeping to the recommended dosage and yes, I am happy with them right now.
If you think Virility Ex pills are great just you want and see what results you can achieve if you combine them with JES Extender. That’s what I did and it’s a game changer.
Well, tell us more then. You’ve made me curious.
Yeah, never even considered using JES Extender; always thought it would be difficult to use.
Got the same results as you for the pills and then I got the extender and now I have a 2 inch bigger penis so my wife is very happy with the results 😉 as am I. I last way longer in bed, my sex drive is through the roof, I am in a good mood most of the time (wasn’t expecting to feel this way).
It all sounds like a dream come true! 2 inches?! But the question is in how much time? And isn’t it difficult to use that thing?
Will you continue using it? For how long?
I’m aiming for at least 9 months if I can. I want to get the most out of it. After 9 months I might take a break for a few months but continue with the pills. I didn’t think penis extenders would work but they do.
From what I know you have to use this for several hours daily if you want good results. That sounds like a lot to me. How are you able to do it?
I knew what I was getting myself into and even so it was difficult. If you think about it, how can it not be difficult: you are changing a part of your body and growing it. That’s pretty amazing to me so I’m not expecting it to be easy.
I haven’t looked at things that way and you are right, it is a big deal to be able to change a part of your body like that. I’m inclined to give the extender a try.
Don’t make the mistake of only using the extender alone. Grab the pills and you’ll make double the progress (at least).
How long did it take you to get to 2 inches? Please reply.
Sorry, I missed that question. It took me about 5 months to get there but as they say, results may vary. I think that almost anyone can grow it with at least 1 inch in their first 2-3 months.
Thanks for the help everyone. I’ve ordered the JES Extender and the pills. Will come back with updates (hopefully good).
It’s been almost 2 weeks since I’ve started using JES Extender and the Virility Ex pills. First week was hell, actually the first 3 days were crucial. I had a day when I just didn’t want to use it but then I remembered I had to because I promised I would use it for a month at least. Things got easier and I am now feeling like I can do this for at least 2 months.
That’s great! Keep it up :)! Are you seeing improvements?
Yes, major ones. Before I could last around 10 minutes tops and now I can last 17-20 easily. My penis has grown with a third of an inch which is very promising and yes, I’ve also started feeling in a better mood most of the time.
I’m considering Virility Ex pills because I don’t know what else to try. I’m looking for something a bit more permanent and would like more details about what you’ve experienced.
What are some safe male enhancement products?
While some products might not be as safe for you, the ones we recommend are safe so you can choose the one you like best.
The safest ones are (maybe surprisingly) the penis extenders like JES Extenders.
Why do you say that? I was expecting some sort of pills or a cream.
Well think of it this way: with the JES Extender it’s like you are working out a part of your body. You aren’t taking anything so there’s no chance of potential health problems. You are just working that part, trying to make it bigger.
You have a point although some of these pills are not going to affect our health.
I know. It was all hypothetical. Some people have successfully enlarged their penis using just pills, others have used both pills and extenders.
So, you would recommend what? Penis extenders? Male sex pills? Male enhancement creams and oils like VigRX oil?
I would start use all 3 to get the best possible results. But you won’t know for sure which one is responsible for the biggest changes. You take it as a whole. And it will most likely work if you use all 3 for at least 1 month, preferably 3.
Using VigRX Plus and the JES Extender will give you 10 times the results you would get by using just one of them. You’ll see faster and better results overall.
Have started using the VigRX Oil for the last 6 days and I wanted to say that it’s not really doing it for me. I’m thinking of maybe trying some male sex pills.
6 days is just not enough to see anything change. You’ll probably start seeing improvements after your first month and see real results after 2 months.
You can’t expect it to do wonders in 6 days. Tell us what happens after a month or more, not 6 days.
A month?! I can’t wait that long.
Then you shouldn’t have started. Nothing can give you good results if you don’t give it time. And if something works very quickly it’s usually going to cause serious health issues for you.
I recommend you also take some pills and maybe even use penis extenders. It’s all going to help and will probably give better results faster.
I understand that I must be patient but I’m not sure what to do. I may start using the pills as well. The extender is scary as you need to use it for a long time daily and I don’t see myself doing that on a regular basis.
That’s better than just the oil. And if you ever decide on using an extender go for the best: JES Extender.
And for pills try using VigRX Plus (you can thank me later).
Delay sprays: do they work? I mean I’ve never heard people talk about them that much. Do they really work?
VigRX Delay Spray works very well. Always go for a company that is well known when you are using these kinds of products.
Anyone here using a penis pump?
Have used the BathMate and it worked fine but then I heard I could get better results with JES Extender + the ProSolution Gel.
I used Viaman and ProEnhance and the extender and ProEnhance was better for me.
So I shouldn’t even try using a penis pump?
You can try it maybe it will work better for you but I’m just saying what worked for me. We’re all different so try things out and give them a bit of time before dismissing them (1-2 months should be enough).
Although they are good, penis pumps are definitely not for everyone. You should do a bit of research and see exactly what you would need to do (daily) if you were using one and then decide if male sex pills or a penis extender would be a better choice.
I’ve used MaleExtra with good results. Now I last twice as much after just 3 weeks of taking the pills.
Are you seeing other results as well?
Increase in size by almost a third of an inch (this was an unexpected surprise), bigger sex drive, harder and faster erections and the recovery time is also a lot faster now.
What do you mean the recovery time is faster?
I can now have sex right now and then in 4-5 hours I’m ready to go at it again.
Those are some pretty awesome results right there ;)! Keep up the good work!
VigRX Plus was a life saver for me as I was dealing with premature ejaculation. It took 2 months to see real, big results but it was so worth it. I used to ejaculate after just mear minutes and now I can last 10 minutes or more which is huge for someone that usually lasted 2-3 minutes.
I have a similar problem. I can’t last more than 5 minutes. I’m going to use these male sex pills hoping they work for me as well.
Try VigRX Plus or Extenze and you’ll get a lot better at it. And remember, try them for at least 2-3 months before you say they don’t work. Give it time.
@Trevor – Using any “treatment” for less than 2 months is ineffective. Time is a very important factor when taking anything, especially something for penis enlargement pills.
Has anyone used Cilexin? A friend said it was good and I’m looking for more opinions.
I have and it worked relatively well. I would recommend you start with VigRX Plus as it worked better for me.
@Trevor – That’s a pretty huge improvement! Congrats! Your loved one must be very happy with the progress you are making!
First month is done and I’ve grown almost an inch but not quite there yet. The exercises are ok in difficulty once you get used to them.
Keep doing the exercises and you’ll soon see better results.
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