6 Tips for Grounding Your Feet

Grounding Your Feet

It is perhaps a dream of ours that our black leather boots or ballet slippers were a permanent part of our body but alas, we have to deal with our bare feet. When you look at them, they seem simple with only 10 toes, a pair of ankles to hold them in place and some soles.

We use them to display our favorite shoes but in reality, our feet are just a means to an end. They are a vehicle that gives us the opportunity for self-expression. What many people don’t realize is that the feet are actually a conduit that can help us to get some natural energy from the earth. Let’s look at this in more detail.

We may not give the ground where we stand much thought but the earth is actually full of electrons, electrical fields, and energy. It is a source of power for everything that grows on the planet. Did you realize that life is actually closely associated with the flow of electrons? We all need them, as does everything else that is living on earth. The simple electron allows our circulatory, immune and nervous systems to function and it also helps with a wide variety of biological processes, including our psychological and biorhythm and they help us to lead healthy lives. In order to gain more electrons and benefit from them, you can take them from the earth in a process that is known as grounding.

When you take advantage of grounding, you do so by connecting a bare part of your body to the earth, typically the feet. Grounding is also known as earthing and you can stand, walk or sit on any conductive surface associated with the earth, such as sand, dirt, and grass. As you do so, electrons are transferred to the body from the earth and it increases how many are inside of you.

Since the electrons are increased in number, inflammation is reduced because the body is energized. It can also help with sleeping and many other health improvements can be seen. It has been a natural part of our life for years and was unavoidable at one time. In our modern day, however, we often need to make the effort to be grounded. One simple way to do it is to simply kick off your boots, connect with the earth and plug-in. You can even do it at the beach and enjoy the sand between your toes!

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TAKING A CLOSER LOOK: From the time that humans first were here on the earth, they were in contact with the ground by walking barefoot and even by sleeping on it. As time went on, people began wearing shoes, standing on concrete and asphalt and sleeping on mattresses that were kept up off of the floor. As a result of those changes, we have a certain degree of disconnect from the energy of the earth. It is something significant to consider because our body is mainly made up of water and minerals. Electrons, therefore, are a necessity.

When electrons are on the surface of the earth, it is possible to transfer them to the body but only if there is contact directly. Our shoes, unfortunately, stop this transfer from happening and that is why we often find ourselves outside of the electrical field of the earth. When we are at the office, in our homes or on any other unnatural flooring surface, the same problem occurs. It even can occur when we are on a raised mattress! There are some shoes formulated to help, these are known as Earth Shoes.

TAKING A LOOK AT THE BENEFITS: There has not been much research on the benefits of grounding but from what we have seen so far, the human body is dependent on the free electrons that are supplied from the earth. Those free electrons can impact the body, acting as an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent. The free radicals in the body are attacked by antioxidants and can reduce oxidative stress.

Many degenerative diseases are associated with oxidative stress, including chronic inflammation and cancer. That is why limiting that type of stress also limits the risks that are associated with it. According to research, increasing the free electrons within the body helps to keep the circadian rhythm normalized. That is why people use grounding as a means to improve concentration, sleep and the production of energy. You can even help to lower your stress levels and keep your hormones functioning normally.

A LOOK AT THE IMPORTANCE: Grounding offers many health benefits along with those that we already discussed. It can minimize what happens when our body is exposed to an electromagnetic field. Magnetic fields and electric can’t be seen by the human eyes but they are energies that are sometimes referred to as radiation. They typically come from a source of electrical power, including lighting but are often man-made. When we are exposed to EMFs, they can affect us negatively.

Unfortunately, our exposure continues to increase because of modern-day technology. Some of the technology that we come in contact with regularly include microwave ovens, Wi-Fi and cell phone towers. Research has shown that the electromagnetic fields that these devices put off can harm our health. There is not conclusive evidence, but many of the health complications that people experience may be associated with technologies. Some of the possible negative effects can include insomnia, cancer, and leukemia.

HOW TO DO GROUNDING: It is easy to get started with grounding. Just pick some exposed ground, such as sand, grass or dirt and make it your personal grounding spot. Use it for going for a walk, playing with the dog, having a picnic, reading a book or even taking a nap. If you happen to live near to the beach, the sand is an excellent place to ground yourself. Just bury your feet or perhaps even dip them in the ocean. If you live near a park, pick out a grassy patch and enjoy it to the full. If you don’t have access to sand or grass? Dirk works just fine. Don’t be afraid to get your feet dirty. Try to be grounded for at least 20 minutes daily and it allows your body to absorb energy.

IF YOU LIVE IN THE CITY: Some of us live in the concrete jungle and there may not be easily accessible ground available for grounding. There is something you can do if that is the case. You can buy an earthing grounding mat. They even have bed sheets that can mimic being in contact with the ground and provide all of the health benefits.

Those benefits will be yours all night long. Some people use a grounding mat under their desk so they can enjoy it throughout the day. It is especially beneficial in that area because we are often exposed to electromagnetic fields at our place of business.

AND FINALLY: As you can tell, we absolutely love grounding and we believe in doing it the right way whenever possible. Sometimes we may need some help, however, using grounding mats. According to our research, sleeping with grounding sheets can maximize the benefits of this natural therapy. Why not try them for yourself? You may just find it can help with many of life’s health challenges.

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