Hair transplant is the effective and revolutionary procedure of moving or shifting the healthy hair follicles from the safer zone to the recipient zone of the one’s scalp to cover the baldness as per the one’s requirements and the desires. It is the surgical way that can restore the aesthetic look of the person with new confidence and self-esteem.
Due to the permanent and natural results hair transplant in Vizag is gaining its relevance and importance with the passage of time. With this method person can have the best suitable and natural looking hairline design with existing dense pattern of the hair on the scalp. This surgical method can be performed in basically two ways that are FUT and FUE and is available at different cost all over the world. Thus, it can be a matter of concern for any person who wants to choose hair transplantation that which technique is better to get the sustainable results with natural airline design and even cost can also play the determining role for the hair transplant.
Let us discuss in detail about the hair transplant choosing the perspective that is technique versus the cost
Techniques for hair transplant
Hair transplant is generally performed with two techniques FUT and FUE and one can choose the technique according to the requirement of grafts and as per the recommendation of the surgeon. Both the methods of hair transplantation have their own advantages and disadvantages as both differ from each other on the following prospective.
FUT hair transplant
FUT is called follicular unit transplant method of hair restoration. It is the traditional method of restoring hair by removing the strip or belt of hair follicles from the safer or donor part of the scalp and then these healthy follicles are transplanted in the bald areas as per the requirement to cover the thinning or baldness after the dissection of follicles in the natural grouping of the grafts. After extraction, the linear incision is closed but it can leave the linear scar in the back area of the head so if the patient wants to have short hairstyle after surgery then it is not the suitable method for him.
With this procedure number of grafts can be extracted and transplanted in the lesser time so for the patient that needs a large number of grafts; this method can be considered an ideal solution.
FUT is the traditional method of hair restoration but can give you the linear scarring and even the recovery period of this method is longer than the other method but this method has many advantages for the patient who has the lower laxity of the scalp and it can restore a large number of grafts in a single session. Your surgeon can suggest for the appropriate method for the surgery so that you could have natural and permanent results with faster recovery.
FUE technique
FUE hair transplant is the most preferred method of hair restoration it is the revolutionary and advanced method of hair restoration. FUE is also known as the follicular unit extraction method it differs from the FUT method in the process of extraction.
Unlike the FUT method, in FUE individual follicles are selected on the basis of loss resistance and best quality and then these are extracted individually from the selected donor area by making the several tiny incisions. Then the extracted follicles are directly transplanted in the bald or thinning areas as per the requirements and desires. The hair follicles are extracted with the tiny and highly magnificent punches having a diameter less than .7mm so the patient has only tiny dot like scars which get healed after some time. This method is the best and less invasive method as compared to the FUT method. After FUE hair transplant patient can choose any hairstyle without any fear of visible scars.
However, the method of hair transplantation is advanced and highly result oriented but for performing this method there is need of highly skilled and experienced surgeon as only the efficient surgeon can choose and extract the healthy follicles without damaging the surrounding tissues. This procedure is also a lengthy one as it takes a longer time to extract the follicles one by one so it is not the ideal procedure for the patents that have greater requirement of grafts.
However, the method is less invasive so in 4-5 days a patient can get back to is normal routine means this method can give the faster and optimized results with faster recovery.
So both the method have their own positive and negative points only your surgeon can suggest you the best and ideal method of hair restoration that can give you sustainable results. Surgeon generally recommends the method for hair restoration after the complete and depth scalp analysis, moreover, the health and requirement of the patient is also considered before recommending the surgical hair restoration.
Hair transplant cost
Cost can be determining factor for the choosing the hair restoration method for many but before choosing the hair transplant on the basis of its cost offered it is important to understand that there are many factors that can affect the cost of hair transplant like availability of the resources that are needed for the surgery, hospital charges, requirement of patient for the grafts, number of sessions given to the patient, doctor’s fee, medical charges, pre-consultation charges and some other hidden charges can also be there which can affect the cost of hair transplant. Thus the hair transplant cost can be different in the different regions, clinics and even it can be different for two patients.
Thus to consider cost as the determining factor for the hair transplant is not the rational choice as it there can be the various center that can offer cheap hair transplants at the cheaper cost so one must compare the quality offered at the particular cost of the hair transplant so that one could make the rational choice.
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