Sitting in the office for eight hours a day is something we all have to get used to, and sometimes half way through the day your concentration levels go down, you become sluggish and tired. If you live a healthy lifestyle, get enough exercise, fresh air and eat a healthy diet, this might become very frustrating. You’ve done everything right! Why do you want to take a nap during your lunch hour?
You might be missing some essential nutrients in your diet that help your brain function properly and keep your blood flow strong and regular. There are many good quality nootropic supplements on the market, but you also can try to consume nootropic compounds through a healthy diet with fresh veggies and organic meals. Luckily mother nature provides us with some miracle foods to combat this fatigue and help keep you fit and smart. Here is a list of the top natural superfoods that keep you fit and smart.
Contrary to popular belief, our brains need a healthy amount of monounsaturated fat to keep the neurons firing. Avocado is a great source of this fat. It also has a high amount of folate – a product your brain produces on its own to regenerate cells throughout the body. Avocados have potassium that lowers blood pressure and vitamin K that keeps your blood flowing taking more oxygen to the brain. There is little sugar in avocado, making it a perfect lunch snack.
Blueberries have long been known to increase concentration and help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It is great for bone strength and the healthy sugars in it will keep you energetic so you can charge through that gym session after work. In fact, blueberries are so packed full of nutrients that they are too many to name in one little paragraph. This includes calcium, magnesium and zinc and the “happy” vitamin B that increases brain functions.
Wild Salmon
Protein is the building blocks of everything in our bodies. It helps the brain make new neural pathways and builds up muscle. If you do eat meat, wild salmon is one of the best sources of healthy proteins. The American Heart Association also praises salmon for the amount of omega 3 oils found in it. These essential fatty acids reduce the risk of heart disease and cholesterol. So with the protein and amount of brain fuel in wild salmon, this is perfect for someone who works all day and plays all night.
Nuts and Seeds
If you like to have snacks during the day to keep your energy up, you might make the mistake of choosing something with a high sugar content, or something filled with carbs that can take a lot of energy to process. A handful of nuts and seeds during the day will make you feel fuller, and it will improve your concentration due to the amount of good fats stored in them.
Dark Chocolate
Most people’s favorite superfood, dark chocolate, is rich in zinc and magnesium which is essential nutrients for a healthy brain and body. Dark chocolate is a great snack that will help keep you energized, concentrating and happy due to the release of feel-good hormones. If you struggle to handle the bitterness of dark chocolate, find a brand that makes it with honey which is a great anti-oxidant.
We’ve all heard nutritionists say that green vegetables are an important element in any healthy diet. Leafy green veggies like spinach, lettuce and kale have a whole lot of nutrients that are necessary for general health, but if you want something that has a lot of everything, think broccoli. Broccoli has a high amount of protein which improves brain function and helps build healthy muscle and bones. It also has Vitamins K and C which is good for a healthy heart and a strong immune system.
This easy-to-eat fruit is well known for its high amount of potassium which is necessary for your kidneys to get rid of harmful waste products. It also keeps your blood pressure down, while lifting blood sugar levels with the healthy sugars found in fruit. Many fitness fanatics rely on bananas for this reason, and you should too. Besides this, bananas also make you happy and help your memory which is great for those long hours at the office.
We all strive to stay fit and healthy, and even if you do follow the recommended intakes prescribed by nutritionists, there might still be some nutrients lacking in your diet that makes it impossible to get through a whole day of work and then hit the gym afterwards. But there is no need to spend a fortune on manufactured supplements when you can find what you need in the foods mother nature already provides for us.
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