Top 5 Exercises For Leg Workouts


It is common knowledge amongst those who are enthusiastic about the aesthetics aspect of fitness, bodybuilding and lifting weights that legs can make or break the look of a physique. This article aims to improve your knowledge on exercising legs to enable you to sculpt a better physique.

Hack Squat

• Muscle Group: Quadriceps
• Focal Point: Strength, Muscle Growth


The Hack squat is a great exercise for building out your quadriceps. There are two well-known variations of the hack squat; the machine that allows you to do a squat at an angle and the exercise where there is a barbell behind you which you pick up in a “deadlift fashion”.

Barbell Hack Squat

Preparation. Place the barbell directly behind you. Make sure your feet are flat on the floor, squat down and grab the bar with an overhand grip.Barbell-Hack-Squat-fitness-workouts-gym-tips

The lift. You should lift the bar by extending the hips and knees. Make sure your knees are pointing in the same direction as your feet. Then, lower the bar until your thighs are parallel to the floor and the bar is behind your lower leg. Then repeat the movement.

Leg Extensions

• Muscle Group: Quadriceps
• Focal Point: Strength, Muscle Tone

The leg extension is one of the most popular leg exercises known, traditionally performed on a machine specifically design for the movement. Performing this exercise correctly can help with toning your quadriceps and help build the recognizable “tear drop” on the quadriceps.

Leg Extensions

There are two types of leg extensions machines widely available; a cable system which uses stacked weights and a more “old school” machine which uses regular weighted plated on a pivoted system. We recommend that you use the “old school” version, if that’s not possible than the cable system is still a great alternative.

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Romanian Deadlift

• Muscle Group: Hamstrings
• Focal Point: Strength, Muscle Growth

One of the more widely known exercises, the Romanian deadlift is a great exercise for building your legs along with core muscles. An exercise used by all types of people with different goals.


Below is a brief explanation on how to perform a Romanian deadlift:

  • Preparation. Load a barbell with your desired weight.
  • Grab the bar with a shoulder width span.
  • The Lift. Lift the bar by extending your hips and knees until you are in an upright position.
  • Then lower the bar to the top of your feet by bending your hips.
  • Have a slight bend in your knees as the bar is being lowered.
  • Your waist must be kept straight as to ensure your back is parallel to the floor.
  • Then repeat.

Leg Curl

• Muscle Group: Hamstrings
• Focal Point: Strength, Muscle Growth

The leg curl is an exercise that is used to isolate your hamstring; the leg extension should be used as a secondary lift in your workout. Combine this exercise with the Romanian deadlift and you will surely have sore hamstrings the day after, which will result in great results! The beauty of this exercise is that it can be performed by a person with any or little knowledge of fitness.


The leg curl is normally performed on a machine, either in a seated position or a front facing lying down position. We recommend you use the machine that is in a lying down position as this will give no restrictions to the hamstring as the exercise is performed.

Calf Raises

• Muscle Group: Calves
• Focal Point: Strength, Muscle Growth


Calf raises are the most known and popular exercise for working the calves muscles. In essence is it a simple lift/exercise that can be performed by anyone, be it a beginner or expert. There are two types of calf raise’s; seated and standing, each with its own variations. They can be performed on a machine or simply with a barbell/dumbbell and a block.

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Erik McEnroe is a professional bodybuilding coach and author. By using his experience, knowledge and understanding of all the intricacies regarding the fitness, wellness and bodybuilding industries, this websites delivers detailed reviews for every new supplement or health product on the market. As an author, he may receive some small compensation for some of them, however we guarantee the neutrality regarding the evaluating of each of the products and the factuality of the information.