BathMate and HydroMax Penis Pumps: The Next Generation

hydromax-x-series-penis-enlargement-real-results, users-reviews-bathmate

Do penis pumps really work? How to increase penis size with a pump? The answer to this question depends on a few different factors, like who you ask and what exactly you mean by work. Let me clarify a bit in this review.

The main thing I did was to begin taking various penis pills and best male enhancement supplements, some of which work extraordinary. Other than the rock-hard erections and staying power you get, they give your member a pumped up look and it remains a lot fuller down there. That unquestionably gave my certainty a boost.

hydromax-bathmate-reviewHowever, the penis size increase I got was insignificant, and to get more noticeable gains I soon acknowledged I required something more. I did a considerable measure of homework and realized that utilizing a decent quality penis extender or penis pump would be the best choice, yet chose to go the cheap route and purchased a pretty cheap air pump. It was a big mistake.

That thing was the most awkward contraption I’ve ever used. My dick wound up so sore, swollen and bruised and it appeared as though it got keep running over by a couple of roller blades.

Presently, there’s nothing wrong with using air penis pumps, they do work when used properly. The fundamental lesson to take away here is the significance of quality of a product.

Be that as it may, at the time the possibility of utilizing another best air penis pump (even a fantastic one) frightened the hell out of me. I ended up getting a decent penis extender with incredible results (you can read that review here).

Some time later is the point at which I first got to be distinctly mindful of the Bathmate hydro penis pump. It used water rather than air for an a more even distribution of pressure and included solace. It was 250% more efficient than air pumps. You could use it while you showered. It got lots of positive user reviews, men said it really worked.

So let’s read now the Hydromax review to learn how to enlarge your penis.

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Hercules, Goliath, HydroMax or Xtreme Series?

Hercules and the Goliath: these are the lead Bathmate models. The Hercules is the standard measured unit and the Goliath is the biggest hydro penis pump available, while the HydroMax line of Bathmate pumps are new and improved versions which convey 30% more power, which truly accelerates your results.

Every one of the models share basic qualities. For one, they’re all self-contained with no additional parts (aside from the HydroMax Xtremes, which incorporate hand pumps).


They all have noticeable estimation scales and release valves toward the end. They likewise all have ergonomically composed gaiters that make a seal against the pubic bone, keeping the loss of suction while keeping up greatest solace.

So how about we investigate what makes every variant interesting:

  1. The Hercules – This is the original standard sized Bathmate penis enhancer and it’s suitable for guys with an erect penis length of up to 7″. It has a maximum length capacity of 8.5″ and a maximum girth of 6.7″, so if you’re already around that length or larger you’ll need something bigger. This pump’s size (as well as the X30’s) will be the best choice for most men. The Hercules is also the least expensive of the bunch, but don’t let that fool you. Some guys say it’s still the best and it’s the one I used myself.
  2. HydroMax X20 – The perfect introductory model for most guys with a below-average to average-size penis (up to 5.5″). It allows for a maximum increase in length of up to 7.5″ and a girth of 5.5″.
  3. HydroMax X30 – The HydroMax line was designed to get the maximum results in the shortest time. By re-designing the way the valve system and bellows work, the HydroMax increases suction by 30% over the previous editions. The X30 is approximately the same size as the Hercules, so it will also be the best fit for the majority of average-sized guys out there with plenty of room for gains. The maximum amount of growth available when using this model is 8.5″ length and 6.7″ girth.
  4. HydroMax X40 – The X40 has the same features as the X30; however, it’s larger than that model but also smaller than the Goliath. It’s best for men with an erect penis size of 7″ – 9″ with a maximum length capacity of 10″ and girth capacity of 7.9″.
  5. The Goliath – The Bathmate Goliath is the world’s largest penis pump. This model was designed for those really well-endowed guys who are already measuring around 9″ or more. It allows for a whopping maximum capacity of 10.5″ in length and 9″ girth. To put that into perspective, you can fit the Hercules inside of the Goliath. Now that’s BIG!
  6. HydroMax Xtreme – The very latest Bathmate models are upgrades of the X30 and X40, the HydroMax Xtreme-Series: the Xtreme XX30Xtreme XX40, and even the Xtreme XX50 for guys already in the 9-11″ range!. These pumps are pretty much identical their counterparts, however they’re equipped with a hand ball pump and hose, plus a bunch of extras, so be sure to check out these new additions.


How to Use the Bathmate Penis Pump

So how to increase penis size with a pump? In a nutshell, what Bathmate does is to create an erection using suction. As you draw blood into the corpus cavernosa, the penis becomes erect.

The lymphatic system also gets stimulated and causes the oxidation of blood cells and flushes out toxins for better penile health overall. Its one-handed mechanism is simple and easy to use which encourages continued use and progress.

An incredible aspect regarding using one of the best Bathmate pumps is the manner by which you can effortlessly join it into your every day schedule.


You essentially fill the tube with warm water from your shower or bath, put the cylinder over your flaccid penis (albeit some folks swear by utilizing while erect), then pull the pump toward your body once and gradually release to make an initial seal. Water gets ejected from the pump through the discharge valve toward the fend of the cylinder.

Then you can begin pumping. Pull the cylinder against you and gradually release, and as you pump, your penis will get to be distinctly erect and increase in penis size.


Continue pumping and releasing slowly and when no more water is shot out from the valve you’ll realize that you’ve achieved the most extreme pressure level (despite the fact that that is not at first what you’re going for). Begin with going 1-2 cm past your typical erection length and step by step work your way up.

This shouldn’t ever be painful, yet you will certainly feel the pulling pressure. In the event that there’s any huge inconvenience it’s essential to utilize the release valve to let off a little of that pressure to stay away from harm.

Renis size growth with Bathmate pump. Real users’ results

Once you’re at your optimal pressure, leave the pump on for five or six minutes, then hold down the discharge valve and remove your penis. You ought to mean to do this same methodology two more times, a total of three times per 15-20 minute session. This will get you the maximum benefit and you’ll get results much quicker.

This video shows the Bathmate being used with instructions so you can get a better idea of how it works:

Hydromax Tutorial – How to Use Hydropump in the Best Way Possible?

Video Review. Is Hydromax Hydropump the Best Pump?

One thing I found to have a gigantic effect on comfort is to ensure you’ve warmed up down there to start with, it can mean the contrast between a decent workout and an agonizing and painful experience. You truly should be in a free, flabby state, and that incorporates the scrotum. In the event that your scrotal sack is too tight it can really bring about a testicle to end up sucked up into the pump – certainly not cool.

In this review I likewise emphatically suggest that you consolidate penis exercise methods previously and after your sessions to boost your results while limiting any repulsive symptoms.

Additionally, at whatever point conceivable, utilizing the Hydromax/Bathmate penis pump in a bathtub with warm/high temp water is perfect, in spite of the fact that the shower works fine if you remember to constantly warm up first.

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Bathmate Penis Enlargement Pumps Side Effects

Bathmate penis pump is not anticipated that would bring about any substantial side effects. And as of yet there are no official reports of such. The only side effect that I noticed was a bit of skin discoloration, almost like a black and blue marks. There was no pain from it, but it definitely did not look right.

I researched it a bit more on the web and it looks like this is a very common problem, and is likely caused from over pumping. But don’t worry – this is not permanent, and the discoloration will go away over time.

Bathmate Before and After Results

I found the accompanying pictures from around the web, and keeping in mind that I can’t by and by vouch for their realness since I didn’t take them myself (and I’m much excessively humble, making it impossible to demonstrate to you my own), I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that these are run of the mill of the outcomes you can accomplish from utilizing a Bathmate penis pump:

bathmate-before-and-after-hydromax penis enhancer review
Real Results. Before and After Using Bathmate

bathmate-before-and-after-hydromax pumps- penis enlargement review

hydro max pumps- reviews- bathmate-before-and-after results before-and-after-using-bathmate-results and reviews

Where to Buy Bathmate

Due to the crappy fakes and knock-offs gliding around out there, I generally recommend just purchasing from an official Bathmate Website.

You’ll see that numerous local adult shops are authorized dealers of these items, however in the event that you’re requesting on the web you should go through the official website. In the event that you live outside of North America (Europe, Australia, India, and so forth.), or in case you’re in the US, Canada or Mexico – use the official HydroMax Store.

By ordering from an official provider you’ll guarantee that you get great customer service, as well as meet all requirements for the 60-day money-back guarantee. The male enhancement products are shipped discreetly worldwide.

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Review Conclusion. Does Bathmate Work or is it Scam?

To sum up the Bathmate review: Some people ask: is Bathmate a scam or not? Briefly: no, definitely not a scam. There is no doubt about it, the Bathmate or Hydromax penis pumps totally work. And work really great.

With repeated and consistent usage you are ensured to see a permanent increase in penis length and girth and you have two months to demonstrate it to yourself or they refund all of your cash. I used it with great results (gaining very nearly a whole inch in just four months) and a huge number of other men have too.


On the off chance that you truly would like to add some considerable size to your penis, you will without question be happy with your buy. You won’t believe the results you’ll see after only the first usage (however just temporary) and by repeating the procedure again and again the gains turn out to be increasingly lasting.


While its a little slow to start, the gains are definitely there, and for me they didn’t go away. The Bathmate is better and much more convenient than using a penis extender device like ProExtender, and you only have to use it for like 10 – 15 minutes a day tops.

If you are really looking for something to help you grow penis size, skip the pills and pick up a Bathmate penis extender. It might just be one of the best investments you’ve ever made and lots of people will tell you that it’s the best penis pump out there.

For prices and more information check out the Bathmate website.

*Also read the full review of VigRX Oil – the topical male sexual enhancement.

Have you tried out any of Bathmate best penis pumps? We’d love to hear about your own personal experiences. Feel free to leave a review or comment below.

HydroMax Pump Summary & Overall Rating













  • Safe design. It helps in erectile dysfunction
  • 60 day money-back guarantee
  • Provides immediate results and permanent size increase with repeated use
  • Uses water instead of air for added efficiency, safety and comfort
  • Only requires 15 minutes per session


  • Must be used on a daily basis
  • Requires a few months use for long-term benefits
Over the years I have tested hundreds of male enhancement products, everything from supplements, men's vitamins, penile extenders and pumps, and other health related products. Now and then I've become ill, once in a while I've gotten no impact at all, and in some cases I had astonishing outcomes. The objective of this site is to help you settle on an educated choice, and permit you to abstain from spending loads of dollars unnecessarily on items that just don't work. In the event that you have any inquiries or are searching for a particular item to review, don't hesitate to send me emails or leave your comments here!












    Before starting using this I was thinking even a 10% increase in size would be a great accomplishment for me. Well, it’s been 5 months and I’m at 16%! For me this is super cool and although that graph says you should be at over 22%, I’m still very happy with the results and I’m going to continue and see where this takes me.

    • A 16% increase in length sounds insane! And in just 5 months?! If I’m going to get a 10-12% increase in 5-6 months I am going to be very happy. Did you find the “exercises” easy to do, Ray? I haven’t yet got this but I’m thinking about it and I want to make the right choice. I know this will require at least a few months of usage and I’m ready to do that but I want to make sure (as much as I can) that I won’t be wasting 5-6 months on something bad/ineffective.

      • At first it was a bit difficult because you have to be consistent but since I only needed about 15 minutes per session it was manageable. After day 5 it was a bit of a habit to do it daily. I wouldn’t say it’s hard, you just have to be patient and “put in the work” 😉 and the results will follow.

        • Hey Ray, I saw you reply and I was wondering where you are now after all this time. It’s been 12 months or so since you started this, right? How are things going? Are you still using the Hydromax pump?





            EASE OF USE






            Yeah, still using it and I think I will use it for another 3-4 months to see if I can get anything else out of this. Right now I am very happy with the results I got. It’s like I’m a new man because when I started using Bathmate I had a little over 5 inches. Now, I am happy to say that I’ve reached 8 inches and a bit which is insane! It wasn’t easy because you have to do the exercises and be constant but I’ve never felt this confident in my abilities so it was all so well worth it! If you aren’t going to put in the work don’t waste your time; but if you are ready, you’ll get results for sure.

            I’ve also updated my ratings to reflect my current results.

  2. I used a penis pump years ago to enhance my size and it worked but it only lasted as long as I kept using it. Is this any different? Or can I use it for like 6 months and then it will remain the same size? I don’t want a huge increased, just enough to enjoy more fun positions with the misses.











      This penis pump will work very well during and after you stop using it. I have been using it on and off for the past year with great results. I use it for 3 months and take 30 to 45 days break and then I use it again for another 3 months. I experienced an average growth of 19% which I’m very happy with. I’ve also tried other pumps and they didn’t work this way. I hate having to stick to something like this for more than 3-4 months so this is a very good option for me. I’m only curios what kinds of results I would get if I’d stick to it for 12+ months; but that sounds so long…

      • I think he was asking what happens if he stops completely. Meaning if you do this for a few months and then just stop. I’m currently in my 5-th month so I have no idea, but I will test this at some point.

        • Yeah, I realized that after I had posted. I haven’t taken a break larger than 45 days so I don’t really know what happens after, let’s say 6 months after stopping. If anyone using the HydroMax Pump has stopped for more than a few months, it would be interesting to know what happened. As for me, I wouldn’t change anything right now. I’m happy with the progress my “method” is bringing. I will keep doing this for the foreseeable future.

          • Been there, done that. I’ve used the pump for almost 9 months, got a 4 inch growth (started at 5.5 and ended up with 9.5) and I stopped because I was afraid it would get too big 😉 – imagine that. It’s been 1 year since I stopped and nothing has happened. It’s still at 9.5 so after 12 months it doesn’t seem to regress.











    I used to be ashamed of the size of my penis so I said I would try anything. It was weird to use a pump but it is what it is and I did. Very happy I got over my initial skepticism and tried it. I’ve grown almost 3 inches in the last 3 months!

    • 3 inches in 3 months!? You must be joking! How did you manage to grow that much? I managed 1.7 inches in almost 3 months and I thought that was pretty awesome.

      • I got as much but it took me nearly 4 months and that was still unbelievable. I remember thinking why I hadn’t tried a pump earlier. I guess 3 in 3 is possible but we shouldn’t expect that kind of result so quickly. But it does work, it might take 4, 5 or 6 months but you’ll see big results.

  4. I had a bit of problems when I started using this because it was somewhat uncomfortable for a few days but I soon got the hang of it and it was smooth sailing from there on. I’m on month 2 of this and I’m at 8% growth which is pretty good if you ask me. The exercises are ok and not hard to do and I’m hoping that by the end of month 6 I can see a 20%+ increase.

  5. I never used a penis pump before. Are their any risks for long term use with one of these things? I am not small or anything but I would like to be able to have more girth and just feel more stiff. Someone told me to try a penis pump and HydroMax is said to be the best.

    • There’s no risk unless you are afraid of growing past your dreams. You might end up with a bigger pennies than you’d expected so be warned ;). I’m not a very attractive man, but ever since I’ve grown it past normal size and a few ladies have enjoyed my performances, I’m getting a lot more dates. It seems that women like to talk about size, who knew ;)?

  6. Initially I wondered why create a penis pump for a dick that’s already 9”… It looks like a stronger pump does help overcome the size plateau.

  7. Penis pumps are a strong booster tool but you have to be consistent with your regime. On top of doing the pumps everyday, you need to maintain your workouts and eat healthily. Only then will the pumps really generate results. And when they do, they generate BIG.

  8. I learned a lot about these best penis pumps because your article is very informative and interesting. Cheers!

  9. I was thinking of going for a pump instead of a regular penis extender like Jes Extender for example only because I don’t see myself wearing it for hours on end.

    • JES Extender is not for everyone. You must put in the time to get the results. It works amazingly well but it is not easy to use.

    • Yes, pumps tend to have better results, that’s why I’ve ordered the Hydromax Xtreme x360. Since this is the first penis enlargement device I’m using it took me some time to get use to it but now it’s a habit :)) I didn’t see that much growth as I’ve just started my second week so I’m still waiting.

  10. Same here, a pump is way better and from what I’ve read, much more effective, especially if you follow the instructions exactly.

  11. I’ve heard a lot of positive feedback regarding Bathmate plus the fact that I have two months to ask for my money back.

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