If you have been losing sleep over your excessive hair fall and imminent baldness, you must have done some brainstorming regarding the solutions. While some may recommend medicines, oils or gels, some may tell you to head straight for a hair transplant expert. But the myths and misconceptions regarding the procedure and side effects have cast shadows of doubt about the procedure. The procedure has been surrounded by a multitude of questions-is it safe or not? What are the side effects? Can everyone opt for the surgery? What about the implications of the surgery in the long run?
Well, people might answer in the affirmative, negative or somewhere in between. But it is highly recommended that you first listen to what the experts have to say. According to them, going for the surgery doesn’t involve serious risks, but one must be careful enough to get himself evaluated by the concerned authorities for medical and clinical fitness for the procedure. Here, we strive to clarify some of your doubts-
Hair transplant procedure-what is it exactly?
It is surgery in which hair is extracted from the hairy parts of the head or beard and implanted onto the sparse growth areas of the head. With time, these areas sprout new natural hair. It calls for minimum cuts and is considered safe. One must be cautious about the choice of the surgeon though.
Is transplant a painful process?
The only factor which can cause pain is the anesthesia injection. It gives the patient mild pain. The pain may be lesser if you have opted for an expert. Although all individuals have different threshold levels of pain, most of them report it to be minimum.
What about the scars? Do they last a lifetime?
A minor scar is left which is not very conspicuous. It can very well be hidden by the hair when the growth increases. To ensure that too much scarring doesn’t occur, one must opt for an experienced surgeon.
Does FUE treatment guarantee permanent results and what’s the FUE Hair Transplant Cost?
- It is the best of the treatments available for hair transplant.
- The results of FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) are permanent.
How many sessions will it take to recover my hair?
Normally the entire procedure takes 1-2 sessions. A standard session covers half the head.
Which side effects can I expect after a transplant?
If you are inexperienced hands, you will experience mild swelling and pain for a few days. But an inexperienced surgeon may trigger a string of problems like infection and long-lasting pain. Complications arising due to the inappropriate administration of anesthesia are a major cause of concern.
How long do I need to be on a vacation?
At least three working days need to be devoted as the doctors will place a surgical cap on your head post surgery. You can resume office work after three days as a normal cap can be used. A person working from home can resume work from the next day. It is recommended that the patient remains indoors for a period of two days.
Can you throw light on the financial aspect?
Hair Transplant Cost will vary from doctor to doctor. A reputed clinic with the latest infrastructure and experienced surgeon will cost higher than a lesser known clinic. It is always advisable to opt for a reputed clinic as your precious money and health are at stake.
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