How Gyms And Fitness Centers Are Using Modern Technology

Modern Technology

In the past few decades, technology has advanced at a lightning fast pace. It may take big businesses a little while to get used to these changes, but their customers often pick up new technology almost instantly. Many gyms and fitness centers are finding that they can greatly grow their business by making an effort to adapt to modern technology.

24 Hour Gym Access

Old versions of 24 hour gyms tended to rely on nighttime staff, constant security guards, and cumbersome membership keys. New security and automation technology makes these far easier. You can monitor gyms with remote security equipment, automate cleaning, and make it easier for members to enter the building. Since modern customers love convenience so much, this model lets them go to the gym whenever they want.

Improved Machines

Of course there is still a demand for classic fitness tools like free weights, but modern gym machines aim to make the gym less intimidating and boring for the average gym goer. Almost all gyms are now equipped with televisions mounted on their cardio machines. This can be a good thing for your workout because people tend to exercise a little harder and stay in the gym longer when they are watching something they like on television. New generations of workout machines even come with technology for internet browsing and playing games as you run.

Activity Trackers

More and more gyms are providing customers with the opportunity to use fitness tracking equipment at their gyms. Products like Fitbit or Wellness Key can be hooked up with compatible machines to keep track of your workout. This can provide helpful information like calories burnt, and it can keep track of the number of reps and sets you do while weight lifting. The ability to work with fitness trackers takes a lot of the guesswork out of exercising, making gyms more appealing to new customers.

Easier Fitness Center Upkeep

Technology is not just used to help customers. It can also be useful for people working at the gym too. A good planning software makes it easy to schedules classes and employee workloads while an insurance document management system cuts back on the paperwork. You can more easily manage customer accounts and automate your billing.

Online Marketing

Gyms used to rely primarily on television advertisements, local billboards, and even flyers to get people interested in their gym. However, most modern fitness centers are switching over to marketing campaigns that rely on social media and internet ads. With targeted computer ads, you can make sure that people who are contemplating changes to their fitness levels get recommendations for your gym. Encouraging users to share and hashtag posts from your gym can draw in customer’s friends, and you can also use your own social media profiles to highlight special deals and giveaways.

Fitness Apps

All the big gyms are creating their own personalized training and fitness tracking apps. These types of apps are normally free for members of the gym, and they let people plan workouts, track nutrition, and monitor their weight loss through a smartphone. The app’s ability to remind people about working out even when they are away from the gym helps to maintain customer loyalty. Interactive gym apps also make it far easier for customers to learn about all the services you offer.


With a few little technological changes, any gym can become more modern and up-to-date. Taking the time to learn about these new technologies is useful because they help you to run a business better and attract more customers. As the modern gym goer becomes more and more focused on technological fitness aids, they begin to seek out gyms that can provide the experience they desire.

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