Healthy Marijuana Use-Is There Such a Thing?


Marijuana is a historical drug used for recreation. In recent years, there’s been a lot of clamor for legalization, and two states have pioneered in the right to get high. Additionally, polls indicate that the majority of Americans are for the legalization of marijuana. But are we able to get high responsibly and for the right reasons?

By the end of this article, you’ll be en-HIGH-tened on the health benefits of marijuana and also educated on any addiction risks involved.

Health Benefits of Marijuana

The drug does have health related benefits because of the anti-inflammatory properties. Athletes in the NFL and NBA use it to recover between games – the drug reduces the amount of pain experienced. The pain can be too much for some athletes to take, and the drug works wonders to take the edge off.

After taking marijuana you’ll feel relaxed, and this is known as a “high”. Also it has been known to relieve symptoms of health conditions such as psychotic disorders and epilepsy. This can be achieved with a component of marijuana called cannabidiol, which doesn’t contain the mind altering effects.

Other health benefits of marijuana include:

  • Slows down or stops the spreading of cancer cells
  • Prevents Alzheimer’s
  • Treats Glaucoma
  • Reduces the pain of Arthritis and multiple sclerosis
  • Soothes the tremors of Parkinson’s and Crohn’s disease
  • After a stroke helps protect the brain

Studies are still being carried out to gain more insight into the health benefits of marijuana, and certain states are beginning to pass laws that are in favor of the drug for medicinal purposes.

The Dangers of Marijuana

Driving while under the influence of marijuana is a bad idea. In fact auto insurance rates in states where marijuana is legalized are slightly higher. The decrease in driving ability is not as bad as being under the influence of alcohol, but the mind numbing effects are significant enough to pose a risk.

For individuals with heart related problems, marijuana could heighten the problem. However, it must be said that for healthy individuals the risk is low.

It’s estimated that up to 30% of marijuana users have developed some level of addiction. After all, marijuana is a drug, which releases dopamine after consumption. The more you take it the more you’ll want it. After a while the levels of consumption can get out of hand. It has literally destroyed many lives because of the addictive qualities.

For example, Chelsea Perron documents how she smoked marijuana every single day for 3 years. This led to depression and she even was considering taking her own life. Self-harming occurred regularly by burning her skin with an iron or using screwdrivers.

How to use Marijuana Safely

Though marijuana may have a dark side doesn’t mean nobody should use it for recreational use. After all, alcohol can be argued to be much worse and alcohol is accepted in pretty much every culture on earth -apart from these 12 countries.

As a recreational user, you need to monitor your consumption, just like you would with alcohol. Also avoiding it during adolescence is a good idea. That’s because the later on in life you begin using the drug the smaller the chances of developing a dependency on it.

Furthermore, avoid dangerous synthetic versions of the drug. There are dozens of these with street names like Bombay Blue, Mr. Happy and Spike 99.   If you’re going to consume marijuana, ensure that it’s the natural version. You cannot trust the drug to be safe, and if it isn’t various side effects can devastate your body.

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Signs to take a break

Marijuana can become addictive and knowing the signs is important. Stopping ahead of time allows you to avoid the nasty marijuana withdrawal effects or the need for a rehab center. The deeper down the rabbit hole you go the stronger the withdrawal is going to be.

Here are the common signs that you might be getting addicted to marijuana:

  • Unable to stop using it: if you feel like you need to use it to get through the day or face your fears, and literally cannot stop using it, then you’re in trouble. Educate yourself on a few strategies to stop using the drug.
  • Taking part in fewer activities: if hobbies such as basketball and going to the movies are taking a back seat in your life because of marijuana use then cut down.
  • A lot of time being high: getting high for short periods of time is what marijuana is all about. However, when the amount of high time seems to be longer than normal time you’re over using.
  • Reduction in quality of health: when you notice a decline in your health stop using marijuana. Even if the health problems are not caused by marijuana, you need to stop using the drug to recover.


As long as you have a bunch of positive habits in your life then marijuana use doesn’t have to be a bad thing. When consumed in controlled doses marijuana can be used recreationally. It can be used for social situations where all parties are responsible. For example, after a heavy session, nobody should be driving.

Moreover, marijuana is still not legal on the national scale so you have to be aware of the laws in your local area. Even with science backed health benefits to the drug, studies are still taking place..

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