Healthy Eating Habits


Numerous tips are available online and from various experts on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating right paired with a good exercise regimen are always the underlying factor in all these recommendations provided to ensure a proper lifestyle. A proper or best diet is not as restrictive as most people make it out to be.

It involves eliminating a few selected items, regulating portions and ensuring that you eat the necessary amount as advised to avoid scenarios of over and under eating. For most people, the change in lifestyle can be warranted by a health scare or the need to lose a certain amount of weight as advised by health experts. Once you plan out your diet and make a habit out of performing regular exercises, you will be on the right path to achieving an ideal lifestyle.

Food Variety

Eat foods of all varieties ensuring you obtain all the required nutrients. Your body requires proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in their respective amounts for it to function accordingly and generate enough energy as expected. Skipping on carbs could result in less sugars converted to energy or fats as per the body requirements.

Benefits of Vitamins

Different minerals and vitamins obtained from these fruits and vegetables serve different purposes in our bodies. For example, Vitamin A aids in enhancing vision obtained from consuming meat in its required amount. Vitamin D from milk helps in developing a strengthened bone structure courtesy of the elevated calcium levels in the blood. Vitamin K from spinach and Brussel sprouts allows for blood clotting. Beta carotene obtained from sweet potatoes can lower the risk of getting lung cancer. This encompasses most food groups and ensures that each food group serves its purpose in body development.

Make It a Colorful Affair

Fruits and vegetables of all colors are a healthy addition to your system. They fight off various diseases and keep you really fit. Aiming to eat all colors of the rainbow in a day enables you to match the required amount of serving suggestions recommended per day. The more the vegetables and fruits integrated in your best diet the lesser your chances of having a high calorie intake at the end of the day. Colorful food also boost your appetite and makes food less boring to eat which in turn ensures you get to skip no meals.

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Serving Sizes

Regulate your serving sizes to ensure a scenario of overeating does not occur. For instance, when consuming high calorie foods, it is better recommended that your serve accordingly to avoid overindulging. Eat often too, the space between each meal should be at least 3 hours otherwise your stress hormone levels will rise resulting in you being cranky and easily irritable.

Plan Out Your Meals

Make your own diet plans. It is quite easy to get sucked into healthy eating just because you just saw someone else do the same. Walking into a restaurant for a meeting could easily be tempting to break your diet plan. Plan out your meals throughout the day with specific time slots. This ensures that you do not skip a meal neither do you overcompensate for having missed one.

Also ensure these planned meals are balanced out. Not too much starch should be consumed in one sitting and be sure to integrate other food groups into the meal as well.

Hydrate Regularly

Interestingly people take this to mean any beverage that contains a certain amount of water. This however is not the case. The body requires at least 6 to 8 glasses of water for it to properly function. When exercise is involved, it may require a lot more to replenish the amount of water lost in the form of sweat during exercise. Stay away from the sodas and juices which are also forms of liquid calories and choose plain old water for a change.

Limit your intake of alcohol as much as you possibly can since this will often result in dehydration and has numerous health risks when consumed in high quantities.

Choose Fresh Produce

The recommended serving size per day is at least 2 and a half cups of vegetables and at least 2 cups of fruits. Exercising may result in a higher calorie consumption thus will require a slightly higher intake of fruits and vegetables than normal. The nutrients and fibers in these type of foods help in the prevention of numerous diseases keeping our bodies healthy and properly functional.

Whole Foods

Unprocessed foods are the best for those choosing to keep a healthy eating habit. Whole grains such as oatmeal and whole wheat bread or muffins for breakfast as an alternative to white bread, processed cereals. Fruits like apples, vegetables like broccoli, whole wheat grains like brown rice also identified as low density foods are the best in keeping off excess weight and controlling your cravings.

Eliminate Refined Foods

Refined or processed sugars and starches are ill advised. They contain less amounts of fiber and nutrients hence will not be of much benefit to the body and its overall development. Added sugars in sodas and candy are also a detriment to a healthy lifestyle. This will result in a high intake of unnecessary calories and fats.


Small meals taken in-between main meals will always result in one feeling full before consuming the next planned meal. Keeping snacks away is advised to ensure no meals are skipped and no overeating occurs. In the event that a snack was much needed in the middle of the day, be sure to space out your next meal consumption to regulate your intake of calories.

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Healthy Diet and Exercise

For optimum achievement of a healthy lifestyle, it is advised that a proper diet be paired with some exercise to achieve maximum effectiveness. The exercises could be light depending with your diet or pretty intense depending with the end goal you have set for yourself. Light stretching allows for improved blood flow throughout the body, for the required relaxation of muscles before any intense activities are carried out and also improves the flow of oxygen to the muscles. Regular exercises also help to improve your sex life. Also try to quit smoking.

Julia Mirren is a self-educated health enthusiast, who loves geeking out on the latest information on healthy eating, women's health, female supplements and workouts. On her own time she is working as an independent author and reviewer in close cooperation with She always wants to offer information to help promote healthier living. From general information about specific nutrients to actual product reviews, she shares her opinions to help others. She welcomes your feedback, recommendations or questions. If you have a product/service you’d like to review, simply contact us.