Foods That Boost Energy Levels

Foods That Boost Energy Levels

When your energy is low, many people reach for a cup of coffee, an energy drink, and even candy for a quick boost. However, too much caffeine will do the opposite providing a temporary high followed by a crash. This sudden drop in blood sugar increases your cravings for more unhealthy energy-zapping foods. Food and snacks that boost energy are rich in fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates. Energy is slowly released into the bloodstream keeping you fueled for hours.

Protein And Complex-Carbohydrates

Foods high in protein increase the production of a brain chemical that manages concentration helping you feel more alert. It will also keep you feeling satisfied for hours. Pairing protein with fiber-rich carbohydrates will help you avoid that mid-afternoon slump. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids known to boost mood and reduce depression. Not only is it an energy-boosting food, but it also lowers bad cholesterol and blood pressure reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease. Peanut butter goes a long way in providing a spike in energy that tastes great. Its fiber, fats, and protein keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day. Restricting carbohydrates can zap energy levels, but it’s important to choose the right ones. Sources of complex carbs that will provide long-lasting energy include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, quinoa, wild rice, bulgur, oatmeal, barley, and buckwheat. Starchy vegetables that are beneficial to your health and athletic performance are peas, corn, potatoes, and dried beans. 

Smart Snacking

Smart snacking will help you live a healthier life overall and improve your day-to-day functioning. Almonds contain vital nutrients including B vitamins and magnesium that help convert food to energy. Studies show that people who are deficient in magnesium tire quickly during exercise. B vitamin deficiency leads to poor concentration, irritability, and fatigue. Snacks that contain whole-grain carbs prevent drops in blood sugar and raise energy levels. Popcorn is the best option and is low in calories. It will also keep you satisfied longer than crackers or chips. Le-Vel Thrive Pure and shakes are energy-boosting snacks when you’re on-the-go and can also increase endurance. They come in a variety of flavors including cinnamon roll, cookies & cream, birthday cake, and lemon meringue. Protein bars are convenient when you don’t have time for a sit-down meal. Pistachio nuts are a heart-healthy snack with the perfect combination of fiber and protein. Pistachios’ are an ideal food for energy that lasts all day long.

Healthy Fats

Fats are an essential component of our diet and make up the largest concentrated source of energy. Fat in small amounts, is necessary to give food flavor and is needed for development and growth. Foods that contain monounsaturated fats are among the healthiest of all fats. They reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, are anti-inflammatory, and are full of nutrients. A medium-sized avocado is made up of primarily monounsaturated fat. They are naturally cholesterol and sodium-free and a good source of lutein that can protect your vision. Walnuts are one of the best sources of linoleic acid, and omega-3 found in plants. A handful of nuts every day can lower LDL cholesterol and improve blood vessel function. Walnuts are a rich source of energy and provide many health benefits including preventing cancer, heart disease, and stroke. A convenient way to get a good source of energy-boosting fat is from nut or seed butter. You can spread it over toast, or eat it with apple slices. Olives contain monounsaturated fat as well as other beneficial nutrients that are linked to cancer prevention. Dark chocolate contains 9 grams of fat per ounce as well as vitamins A, B, and E. One portion of this delicious treat will keep your energy going all day long.

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