Best Pickleball Paddles

Pickleball is a fast growing sport, and a great way to keep your fitness and mobility up. Wether you’re new to the sport, or...

Foam Rollers: The best tool for fast recovery and reduced soreness

Ironman training is one of the most brutal 12 month journeys you can put your body through. You push your body, in particular your...

Best Racquetball Racquets

The Fitness Report is all about competitive games that keep you fit no matter your age or skill level. Racquetball is a fast-paced, exciting...

Best Ankle Braces: Full Report

Nothing derails your fitness routine as quickly as an ankle injury. A simple sprain can sideline you for weeks, and even when you return...
Best salt tablets

Best Salt Tablets for Endurance Fitness

When we sweat, we not only lose water, but we lose important electrolytes that keep our body in balance. That is why endurance athletes...

Best Tennis Elbow Braces

Tennis elbow is a painful inflammation of the tendons caused by overuse of the forearm muscles, and is often associated with racquet sports, but...
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