Can Green Powders Ever Replace Vegetables?

green powder

There’s a lot of information on fat loss available to everyone these days thanks to the internet. Unfortunately, the fact that anybody can upload anything on the internet means that there’s as much misinformation as there is useful information.

This is particularly true for the popular topic of bodybuilding and exercise. It’s hard to tell what’s true and what’s not these days because there’s so many conflicting opinions available.

Also known as greens supplements, whole foods, or super greens, such powder supplements are now a powerful industry with over $1 billion sales each year and sit at the base of a growing health-food trend. If a few decades ago these types of powders were only targeted towards a very specific demographic in society, nowadays they are consumed over the world and people of all social statuses enjoy their benefits.

Green supplements effectively consist of a wide range of veggies, grasses, and/or algae that have been reduced to powdered form. This makes them easier to consume and helps people who don’t really like eating vegetables keep healthy and get the necessary nutrient intake.

After all, not many of us can consume things like wheat grass, algae, spirulina, alfalfa, and more in their natural form. So, if you want to reap the benefits in a convenient way, a super greens powder might be your best choice.

Green Powders’ Benefits

We all know vegetables are good for our health – it’s what we learned from our parents, doctors, and other healthcare representatives. But do we really need all the other stuff? Well, the human body is a complex organism and the more diversity you have in your diet, the better it will react to different health problems.

However, in spite of all those wonderful benefits, we tend to leave our veggies on the plate and eat the meat or the bread. And, because we eat more protein than any other type of nutrients, an imbalance is created in our body that leads to an acid environment. This creates a predisposition to all sorts of diseases and ailments.

So, to beat this tendency, green powder producers offer an alternative: a powder that brings all the goodness in plants. This is why it’s important to look for green powders that feature a diverse combination of ingredients and antioxidants for maximum benefit. Each of these plants can help fight and prevent cardiovascular disease, high blood cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, obesity, eye disease, asthma, bloated stomach, and these are only a few examples!

Should we Still Eat Veggies?

The answer is definitely yes! Even if powders may seem easier to digest, there are plenty of benefits to consuming veggies as they come (listed below).

More Diversity in Diet

And you shouldn’t stop at kale and broccoli, either! Specialists recommend a diverse diet because each type of vegetable comes with its own unique blend of nutrients, vitamins, and more helpful stuff. Not to mention that a plate looks better when you add a wide range of veggies to it.

Make you Feel Full Faster

We are visual beings and there’s a powerful connection between what we see and how fast we feel full. Thus, by adding veggies to your food, your plate will look fuller, fooling the brain you’re eating more. Not to mention that veggies (especially green ones) are not rich in calories and don’t have unhealthy fats. This is why many weight loss diets are based on consuming more vegetables than proteins and carbs.

Fibers, Minerals, and Vitamins

Vegetables provide us with fibers which are extremely helpful in keeping sugar in check. When you consume vegetables in their fresh form, the fibers also help with making the digestive process smoother.

Reduced Risk of Diseases

It is well-known that veggies are at the base of a healthy diet but there is also a connection with your health state. It was proven that a balanced diet, with lots of vegetables, helps in keeping heart diseases in check. The same goes for high blood pressure, and even some cancers.

A Life in Harmony

Finally, you should know that regardless of how many ingredients the super greens of your choice features, it is still a supplement and not a substitute. This happens because some of the benefits of the natural veggies are lost during processing (like fibers).

So, while powders are easier to digest and offer you a cocktail of nutrients, vegetables come directly from Mother Nature and support a wide range of natural nutrients that are only active in their fresh state.

In the end, it’s very important to create a balance and make sure you’re not abusing one or the other. A diet that favors only one type of food is an imbalanced diet and can lead to various health problems. So make sure to rotate your whole vegetable and green powder intake to optimize your body’s performance.

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