What Makes Testogen Better Than Other Testosterone Pills Out There?


What if there was a supplement that could boost your testosterone count to the next level safely and naturally? As you may know, testosterone hormone is the lifeblood of a man, which is why we all need more of it.

Testogen is a male enhancement supplement designed to give you strong, well-defined muscles, the strength and stamina to finish each gym workout explosively and make your metabolism work faster to torch stubborn fat. In this review of

Testogen you’ll find out the proprietary blend of what makes it such a great testosterone supplement and why everyone should try it. You can be sure that your bedroom action will never be the same old boring sex again. It doesn’t only increase libido, but can also add energy and focus, and boost metabolism.

Its use will have an impact on your workout performance and overall body appearance. It will increase strength, reduce body fat, helps building lean muscle mass and make you have a gorgeous physique. It also has other benefits like increased libido, stamina, enhance motivation levels, improve mental performance, and regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. So let’s read the review.

Testogen Ingredients

The term “clinically developed” has a little bit of flexibility here but the idea we want you to understand is that most, if not all of the ingredients packed into TestoGen have been included because they have clinical evidence to show their effectiveness.

D-Aspartic Acid 

The king of all natural testosterone amplification – D-aspartic acid is an amino acid found in everyday foods, yet supplementing it in higher doses has been shown on countless occasions to raise free-testosterone levels and increase athletic performance and strength.

Fenugreek Extract 

A unique supplement that is not necessarily a testosterone booster – yet it is highly important to the overall success of the supplement. Fenugreek works to limit the production of DHT – an estrogenic compound and Fenugreek also has powerful antioxidant properties to ensure those harmful free radicals are kept at bay so your body can work efficiently.

Other essential ingredients include Magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin K1, Zinc, Vitamin B6 and Bioperine.


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Testogen Pros and Cons


  • More alert – My head is so clear and alert that I’m able to process a lot more information now. Before, I would read a sentence and then forget it moments later.
  • Concentration is a amazing – I can concentrate for way longer than I could before. Now it’s at least an hour, before it was maybe 5 minutes. Crazy.
  • Recovery times have shortened – No more pain the next day where I can’t lift my arms! I feel ready to go with every session, almost no pain in my muscles.
  • Increased weights quickly – My strength has almost doubled, I’m adding more weight with every set and I can lift, where as before I wouldn’t be able to. Very pumped about this!
  • Hornier? Didn’t know this would be a side effect, but damn… I’m hornier than I’ve ever been. My girlfriend is VERY happy. I’m even lasting longer in bed than I used to be able to.


  • More pills? I felt like for the money I could have gotten more pills in the pot. Half was pills and the rest was cotton to keep the pills in place.
  • My pee was bright green – I’m not sure why, but my pee was a bright luminance green colour. I drink a ton of water, so it was definitely the pills that did this. I read that this is the body flushing out the unwanted nutrients. But still a bit odd.

How To Use Testogen

When examining the ingredients in Testogen I was very pleased to find out that Testogen contains scientifically proven ingredients.

Ingredients that have been shown to raise natural testosterone production.

Not only that, because it also contains the most powerful testosterone boosting ingredients available in generous dosages.

So this testosterone booster should work for most guys that want to increase their testosterone levels naturally.

That’s why we think Testogen is one of the top testosterone boosters on the market.

Where To Buy Testogen

The original Testogen supplement can be bought online at the manufacturer’s official website. There’s no other platform or online retail store we’d recommend you to get Testogen from.

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Review Conclusion – Does Testogen Work?

TestoGen is a testosterone booster that aims to increase a man’s testosterone levels. The designer of this supplement created this formula with only one thing in mind, i.e. to help men who are suffering from low self-esteem due to low testosterone.

Testosterone is very essential in a way that, well, it’s actually the hormone that makes you the man that you are. With low testosterone comes other negative implications like sexual dysfunction, which then leads to unhappy relationships and unsatisfied life in general.

All prices and even more information you can find at the official Testogen Website.

*Please note: While results may be experienced in the short term, the formulations were created for long-term use, and it is strongly recommended that the testosterone supplement be taken for at least 2-3 months for real, long-lasting benefits, however taking it for only a month or so will definitely produce some benefits in the short term.

If you’ve used Testogen Testosterone Booster we’d love to hear about your own experiences. Feel free to leave a review or comment below.

Testogen Test Booster Overall Rating













  • Increased strength and more lean muscle
  • Reduced body fat, especially in the abdominal area
  • Increased bone strength, incited libido
  • Noticeable boost in energy levels, improved physical and mental performance
  • Delivers a good boost in testosterone production


  • Available online only