Semenax Sperm Volume Booster – Practical Tips to Maintain Your Sexual Virility

Semenax critical reviews and testimonials

Let’s admit it, we’ve all seen the climactic endings to porno scenes, the purported “cash shots” where our male legend finishes in awesome form, exploding with a monstrous volume of man-mustard onto his exasperated co-star.

I’ve expounded on the helpful impacts from having an expansion of semen, however just to recap: A higher volume of seminal liquid isn’t quite recently great to our sex partners, it empowers us to have longer and more powerful orgasms than we would otherwise.

Be that as it may, perhaps you don’t create large amounts of ejaculate any longer, or never did in any case. Is there an approach to expand the measure of semen your body produces?

There’s just a couple of brands out there that claim to do only that, likely the most mainstream being Semenax semen increasing pills ( which is produced by an organization called Leading Edge Health.

For those of you who’ve never known about it, or are quite recently searching for more data, I’ll do my best to give a balanced review of this best male sexual supplement and hopefully answer any inquiries you may have en route. Let’s read the Semenax review.

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Semenax Semen Volumizer Ingredients

The thing that makes this semen booster quickly emerge is the not insignificant rundown of effective ingredients that are incorporated into the formulation.

The best mix of herbs, extracts and amino acids contained in this supplement is very broad and blend consummately to make a great degree effective product, a large number of which have been utilized for a considerable length of time to enhance male sexual strength and sexual performance.

It’s only been as of late that the improvement characteristics of these all-natural additives have been scientifically verified.

Fertility IS A Matter of Quality AND Quantity

So what precisely is in it? The Semenax sperm boosting pills formula contains the accompanying rundown of ingredients:

  • Swedish Flower Pollen
  • L-Arginine HCL
  • L-Lysine
  • Epimedium Sagittatum
  • Zinc Oxide & Zinc Apartate
  • L-Carnitine
  • Catuaba Bark
  • Pumpkin Seed
  • Maca
  • Vitamin E
  • Pine Bark Extract
  • Muira Puama
  • Hawthorne
  • Cranberry Extract
  • Sarsaparilla
  • Avena Sativa Extract
  • Butea Superba

Without exhausting you with the points of interest, these constituents have been appeared to build semen creation, erection quality, health of prostate and improve sex drive and boost testosterone levels. On top of that they’re all natural, far more secure and less costly than physician recommended drugs. Other than, even pharmaceuticals and medications like Viagra can’t expand your seminal fluid production.

The recommended dose is 2 pills twice daily. You should notice results in one to two weeks, but the recommendation is that you continue to take Semenax for at least 60 to 90 days to achieve best results.

After that, it is further recommended that you continue to take Semenax male sex pills so you can maintain the results that you’ve achieved.


Semenax Male Enhancement Pills – Clinical Study

At the point when the time came to test their restrictive plan’s viability, the producers of Semenax presented the supplement for a clinical two month double-blind study. The study comprised of 63 men, all between the ages of 30 and 60 years of age.

The participants were split into two groups by analysts: the initially (called the “Semenax arm”) got Semenax Pills male orgasm booster twice every day, and the other gathering was given a fake treatment for a similar dosage.

This is what specialists, testers and reviewers needed to say in regards to the outcomes:

“Semenax showed statistical significance over placebo with respect to Investigator’s global assessment and patient’s global efficacy assessment. A higher number of patients in the Semenax arm showed an increase in orgasm intensity, from Baseline to EoT (End of Treatment), as compared with placebo. It’s one of the best male supplements ever produced..”*

“A higher number of patients in the Semenax arm showed a 20% or more increase in ejaculate volume as compared with placebo.”*

*Source: Dr. Anuradha Kulkami, Vedic Lifesciences
Effect of Semenax® Capsules on Semen Characteristics, pp 5-6

Semenax Reviews. Real Customer Testimonials

While researching for this review I was able to access excerpts from satisfied customer survey questionnaires. Here are some real written by hand client remarks taken from Semenax users:

As should be obvious, those are some quite great reviews and coming straight from satisfied clients is exceptionally persuading.

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Does Semenax Come With Side Effects?

Because of the unique blend of all-natural ingredients utilized as a part of the make of Semenax, there are basically no negative symptoms that I am aware of or have by and by experienced while utsing this product. This is in interesting complexity to numerous other home grown men’s supplements (Yohimbine, for instance) which can have unfriendly impacts.

Semenax boosts sperm count and aids male fertility with healthy sperm and larger semen loads. Both of which increase the odds your sperm will find a happy home. Semenax has been shown to increase the volume of semen you ejaculate during sex by as much as 500 percent. With the increase in ejaculatory fluid, you will also experience more intense orgasms. You’ll even have more fertile sperm!

A number of sex-enhancement drugs are known to be readily available at many over-the-counter drug stores even without a prescription, and these include Semenax, the sex potency capsule that is targeted mainly for the male market. It is said to be a very effective male potency drug that can be purchased even without the advice of a physician.

This is mainly because its primary ingredients include herbal plant extracts that essentially makes Semenax semen volumizer a truly safe and effective sex pill. Herbal plants, of course, have long been known to carry healing properties aside from having sex enhancement qualities that help improve man’s sexual capacity and performance.

And as always, if there is any question or concern, it’s a best choice to discuss it with a doctor first.


Where to Buy Semenax Male Sex Pills

One of only a handful few negatives about purchasing Semenax sex pills for men (on the off chance that you would call it that) will be that it’s not accessible in any retail locations. Be that as it may, by heading off to the official website you will have a few choices including requesting by telephone, fax, mail or on the web.

You’ll additionally see that this male fertility supplement is not precisely cheap, but rather considering how powerful it is and contrasted with the cost of doctor prescribed meds, it’s an entire easy decision.

Semenax – stronger, more pleasurable orgasms

I’m not sure if it’s as yet being offered, but rather when you go to registration search for the buddy item called “SemEnhance” which really changes the taste of your ejaculate to make it sweeter, something your sexual partner will appreciate. This may not be for everybody, but rather I can affirm (as per my better half, in any case) that it does in certainty fill in as guaranteed.

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Review Conclusion. Does Semenax Pills Work?

Tu sum up the review – These male fertility pills guarantee to expand semen volume, as well as convey longer, greater, more extreme orgasms in addition to more prominent resilience, and there’s a lot of clinical proofs that shows how successful it is – yet does it quite up to the hype?

Briefly – yes. I can sincerely let you know from my own experience it works – and works great! The impacts for me have been very astounding.

Semenax-male-virility-pillsUtilizing this semen volume enhancer makes me feel simply like a horned-up young person again and I’m ready to complete like a stud each time (I have an ex and current sweetheart who will both check this!). I can likewise confirm comparable outcomes shared to me by two fitness instructors whom I recommend it to.

Expanding the amount of semen you create is not just conceivable, it’s as simple as taking a pill twice every day. This daily supplement is a 100% safe, propriety combination of amino acids plus potent herbal concentrates, all proven over decades to stimulate sexual activity and increase semen and sperm production in the testes.

As the most effective semen volume enhancer available today, Semenax boosts sperm volume and health with its potent blend of safe amino acids and herbal extracts, including arginine, muira puama and tribulus terrestris. All in Semenax, which produces no known side effects and being all-natural, doesn’t require a trip to a doctor.

Larger loads of semen translate to longer and more intense orgasms. With Semenax Pills you’re always ready to enjoy awesome, amazing, mind-numbing sex, well into your senior years.

As I would like to think, the absolute best approach to raise your ejaculate volume and have explosive, notable orgasms in the meantime is by utilizing Semenax Pills. It’s the best product that does what it says, and something you need to involvement for yourself to completely appreciate. Thus, I highly recommend Semenax to anyone looking to boost their libido, orgasm quality, and increased sperm production.

You can find prices, more user reviews and much more info by visiting the Semenax Website.

*Please note: While results may be experienced in the short term, the formulations were created for long-term use, and it is strongly recommended that the best sperm volume pills and semen boosters be taken for at least 2-3 months for real, long-lasting benefits, however taking it for only a month or so will definitely produce some benefits in the short term.

If you’ve used Semenax semen increasing pills we’d love to hear about your own experiences. Feel free to leave a review or comment below.

Semenax Summary Review and Overall Rating













  • Offers a 60 day money-back guarantee
  • Gives you greater ability to last longer
  • Can give results in as little as a week
  • Produces longer, more intense orgasms
  • Causes a significant increase in semen volume


  • Prices are pretty high
  • Not sold in retail stores
  • Daily long term commitment is required
Erik McEnroe is a professional bodybuilding coach and author. By using his experience, knowledge and understanding of all the intricacies regarding the fitness, wellness and bodybuilding industries, this websites delivers detailed reviews for every new supplement or health product on the market. As an author, he may receive some small compensation for some of them, however we guarantee the neutrality regarding the evaluating of each of the products and the factuality of the information.












    Been taking Semenax pills for the last 2 months and I feel great. Not only do I have an improved sex drive and can last longer, I also have more energy throughout the day. I never feel sluggish anymore so I’m very happy with this.











    I’m in my late 40’s and my sex drive was really low mainly because of all the stress from work. I took Semenax hoping things will get better for both me and my wife. I have tried Viagra and 3-4 other similar drugs with mixed results. I like Semenax because it feels more natural, I don’t have any side effects like I had after taking Viagra and it’s even cheaper. My sex life went up from a 2 (out of 10) to a 6 which is huge for me!

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