7 Best Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

7 Best Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

As we all know, testosterone is primarily a male sex hormone, however, the female also has a small amount of this hormone. It is mostly produced in the men testicles and women`s ovaries. Certain glands such as adrenal gland also produce this hormone in small amounts. The testosterone is one of the main drivers for physical changes in men during puberty. It causes a deeper voice, hair growth, and increased muscle.

Our body needs to have an optimal level throughout adulthood and old age. It makes sure that our body has to maintain the general health and reduce the risk of diseases. It also helps with the sexual functions and the body composition. If you have good testosterone levels it will help with rapid muscle growth and increased vitality. Testosterone also plays an important role in the health checks and sexual well-being of the female population. It is important that the hormone levels for both men and women are maintained especially when they age.

Let us look at some of the ways to increase the levels of testosterone naturally.

  1. Lifting weights and exercise

This is one of the most effective ways to increase the testosterone levels. It is also a good way to prevent many lifestyle-related diseases. It has already been established that people who did regular exercise had higher levels of testosterone levels, compared to people who did not. It also increases the fitness and reaction time in elderly people. It is better than the weight loss diet program.

For obese people, it was found that increased physical activities were more beneficial than weight loss diet by increasing the testosterone levels. Also, weight lifting exercises are a good way to boost the testosterone levels for both long and short-term. Certain high-intensity interval training is also very effective. Few other things such as caffeine and creatine monohydrate can also boost the testosterone levels when taken along with the training program.

  1. Adding carbohydrate, protein, and fats to the diet

Testosterone levels are affected by what we eat. Certain food items may have a major impact, hence it is advisable to pay attention to what you eat. Improper habits such as overeating or regular dieting can also affect the testosterone levels. When you increase the intake of protein it helps increase the testosterone levels as well and also help with weight loss. Carbohydrates & fats are also important as researches have already proved that they are beneficial.

  1. Managing stress and cortisol levels

In our fast-paced lives, stress has become an unnecessary evil. Almost all the researches have highlighted the danger of long-term stress. When you suffer from stress the body produces cortisol and unnecessary elevations in cortisol levels can reduce the testosterone levels. These hormones are contrary to each other. When you suffer from stress it can increase the food intake which in turn increases the chances of weight gain and bad fat addition in our body organs.

  1. Taking supplements

There are various supplements which can help increase the testosterone levels. Like the test boosters that are safe to use, however, you should consult a doctor before you start using them. Vitamin D is also important for testosterone levels. Most people have vitamin D deficiency. Increased levels of Vitamin D can also increase the testosterone levels. You should have more exposure to sunlight or take various Vitamin D supplements for the same.

  1. Vitamins and minerals

Our body does not produce many vitamins and minerals which it requires to function properly. The benefits of using multivitamins is still a hot topic, but many believe that such vitamins and minerals can be very beneficial. Certain studies have confirmed that the Zinc and Vitamin B can be beneficial for the testosterone levels. Similarly, Vitamin A, C & E also play an important role in testosterone levels and in our sex life. These are some of the best ways to boost the testosterone levels naturally.

  1. Sleep well

Sleeping well is also very important for our body. It has major effects on our testosterone levels and the ideal amount of sleep can have a major impact. Sleeping less than 5 hours in the night can cause 15% reduction in the testosterone levels. Many studies have already supported this and it has been established that sleeping for additional one hour can increase the testosterone levels by 15% on average in many individuals. Every one needs 7-10 hours of sleep every night for long-term health and good testosterone levels.

  1. Testosterone boosters

There are many natural boosters which can increase the testosterone levels. The herb ashwagandha has known to increase the testosterone levels in many men. It can increase the levels by almost 15% and lower the cortisol levels by almost 25%. Ginger extract can also help boost the levels.


Our body needs testosterone for many things. It helps our body to function properly and post the age of 30 the levels start declining naturally. You should take necessary lifestyle steps to help maintain the testosterone levels.

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