Best Exercises for Building Muscle Mass


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What are the best exercises for bodybuilding? Following a workout, your body replaces or repairs injured muscle fibers using a cellular process. In this process, the muscle fibers come together to form new muscle myofibrils or protein strands. These myofibrils consequently grow in number and thickness creating muscle growth or hypertrophy.

Muscle growth happens when the rate at which muscle protein synthesis takes place is higher than the rate at which the muscle protein is disintegrated. It’s important to, however, note that this alteration doesn’t take place when you’re in the process of lifting weights. It actually happens after, when your body is at rest.

So what’s the best way to enhance muscle to your muscle cells? For this to happen, satellite cells take the place of stem cells in your muscles. When satellite cells are activated, they help produce more nuclei in the muscle cells thus contributing to the direct growth of muscle cells or myofibrils. How these satellite cells get activated could be the key reason for the difference between those who are able to grow massive muscles while others tend to have a difficult time doing so.

We all have varied reasons for wanting to build muscle. Some want to buff up and stand out, others just want to look moderately big; women tend to marvel at muscles in men and men tend to enjoy flaunting their muscles. While some women want to build muscle because they are in body building, some just want tight curvy muscles that show that they are fit. Most women who engage in muscle building exercise have no desire to get monstrously buffed up.

Exercises For Building Muscle Mass

In this article, I will share several exercises that aid in building muscle mass. It’s, however, important to note that going to the gym and doing the prescribed exercises is in itself not enough to help you build muscle mass. The most effective way is to incorporate the exercises into already existing routines, and put more emphasis on the exercise now that you know that they will ultimately help you get those perfectly build muscles.

  1. Squats

Squats are great for building muscle in your legs. For maximum effect, the right technique has to be employed.  When doing squats ensure you arch your back from the onset when you pick up the weight to the point at which it’s racked. Your head should be looking up as you do each set.

Make sure that your chest is out and your feet slightly wider than your shoulder breadth. To help you do a proper squat, imagine sitting on a chair that is low and then getting right back up in one suave move. Squats work on the muscles called quads and the best way to work them out is ensuring that as you go down on the squat, you’re just above parallel so that you can make most of your glutes before coming back up.

  1. Deadlifts

Deadlifts are great for building the muscle found in the mid and lower part of your back.  They can be incorporated during any part of your workout but best done towards the end.

Deadlifts also work out part of your leg muscles as well and therefore the more leg workout you do before the deadlifts, the more you’ll be able to carry out the exercise effectively. When doing deadlifts, employ a narrow stand, and position your arms external of your knees.

You could also execute the sumo stance where your feet are planted wide apart while arms go inside your knees. Remember to keep your back arched throughout the movement so as to avoid injury.

3. Bench Press

Bench presses are ideal for building muscle in your chest area. They should, however, be practiced with caution because if done incorrectly can cause significant harm.

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Don’t be tempted to load more weights than necessary in an attempt to impress. Putting too much weight can affect your ability to do a bench press correctly.

Take advantage of the groove on the bar because it helps make the weight feel lighter if you have a difficult time doing a bench press. Once you bring the weight down to your chest, allow the bar to gently touch your chest before pushing it up and slowly moving it slightly towards your head.

When pushing towards the feet, the weight will tend to feel heavier. Avoid throwing the weight upwards and instead put emphasis on pushing your chest muscles. You could also try flexing the lats when doing the set. This will help you flex your chest automatically.

  1. Military Press

This exercise is great for building muscle on your shoulders. You can execute this exercise by either pressing the weight behind your neck or at the front.  Take advantage of the groove on the bar to help make the weight feel heavier if you experience challenges during the workout. It is important to ensure that your elbows are pushed back during the set. If you come down to the neck and push weight with your forearms at a funky angle, you could hurt yourself badly. Be careful about your lower back and butt as you carry out this exercise. Make sure that your butt and lower back are pressed hard against the seat’s back to avoid injury.

  1. Straight Leg Deadlifts

This workout is superb for working out your hamstring. It’s a pretty simple movement but if not done properly can be disastrous. In the same way that you would do the normal deadlifts, remember to arch your lower back, pull your head back, and push your chest up. When letting down the weight, try and use a grip about 15 inches, bend at the hips and push out your butt. This movement helps maximize the impact on your hamstrings.

If you do this best exercises consistently over time as part of your regular workout regime, you are guaranteed to see results. The intensity and time you spend on each will also determine how fast and how much muscle will be built in various parts of the body.

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