8 Tips to Stay Healthy While Travelling – Infographic


Maintaining your health and overall well-being while you’re travelling or on holiday can be challenging, even for regular fitness fans. Whether you are simply trying to maintain a healthy weight or push through to new fitness targets the temptation to spend all day relaxing and gorging on new and interesting foods can be too much.

A couple of things you should always bear in mind are to stay well hydrated (that also means not drinking too much alcohol!) and to get plenty of rest. In combination staying hydrated and rested are a great foundation for maintaining health and fitness.

Traveling regularly for work or travelling a few times a year for leisure can really put a dent in your overall health and fitness plan, we’ve got our hands on this handy little infographic put together by De Vere Hotels that gives some great actionable tips and tactics on staying fit while you’re away.

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stay healthy while travelling tips infographic

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Jay is part of the community team at De Vere Hotels, responsible for engaging with their community and beyond. As well as having an obsession with all things, travel Jay is a family man, and lover of self-improvement and life hacks.


  1. The girlfriend and I are planning our first vacation together for the spring. We are both vegetarians, love to be active, and enjoy the outdoors. This is a very useful picture. It points out some very good things to keep in mind while traveling. Some of which, I would not have considered!

  2. I am in the middle of planning a family VK so this infograph is SUPER helpful! I am going to make sure I look back over this a few more times. I never actually went on a vacation before so this is all new to me. I want to make sure we all stay healthy while on our trip!

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